BMW 330i Lease Question


New user here, but have been reading for years. My Infiniti lease is coming to an end and I’m looking at a 2019 3 series demo. The car I inquired about is a demo with 4800 miles on it. I received a lease sheet back from the dealer but it does not match what I get in the calculator.

I’m not sure how to post the lease sheet so I’ll try this:

I also dont know how to post my calculator information yet, but i’m coming up with a payment that is $364 per month. There must be something I’m missing here. I am not able to tell from his sheet if the discount of 17% is before or after incentives of $3000. I also am not sure how much is considered down in this case, he shows initial payment of $3450 but due on delivery as $450. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Post your calculator. Deal looks legit.

Your DAS is $450, and your dealer/title/misc fees look to be not correct.

What is incorrect about them? He sent this to me and said in the email that this is final, but if something is incorrect I’ll bring it up.

Your calculator, not his sheet. Wasn’t your question about the calculator?

yeah, just realized that, but what is wrong about it? I updated the dealer fee to 300 and and dropped gov fee to 187, now i’m at $431 with zero drive off.

Updated calculator, i’m wondering if it has anything to do with the taxes, i’m in PA and i see MD on the sheet.

MD pays taxes up front. You’ve got $2403.90 cap taxes in the sheet. So yes.

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I am assuming that since I live in PA that PA taxes would still apply to me?