BMW 330i lease buyout

$400 is a good price for

  1. The resale value of a CPO car vs without.

  2. The optionality to own the car longer and wait out some of the insanity.


Warranty expires 05/22 CPO extends it to 05/23.

If itā€™s expiring 5/22 then you better have the CPO .since fixing BMW is very expensive.

Just left.

Ended up doing 60mo 1750 down. Payment came out to 532

Driving home I am more than satisfied with my decision. (I really did not want to give up my manual)

Appreciate everyoneā€™s comments and feedback. Obviously I didnā€™t go down the recommended path, but the community here was quick in response and gave me good honest feedback.

Hoping a can take advantage leasing again in the future when things settle down.


Thatā€™s good then. For next time, please do not wait till the last day to ask for advice from internet strangers.


Was there not a large amount of equity in the vehicle had you sold it directly to the dealer? Did you check? I would have sold it, walked away with 4-5k (guesstimating) and got something cheaper.

Like what?


Anything. Iā€™m paying $525 on my x3 m40i lease that ends in July. Dealer offered me +$6000. I actually ended up ordering a wrangler as it seems to be the only hackable vehicle currently. Obviously OP doesnā€™t have the time to wait but heā€™s had the time to figure it out lol. If it werenā€™t for the wrangler, Iā€™d probably be looking for something cheaper and not what Iā€™d normally drive.

Think OP want something Manual not auto. Not sure how many cars comes in Manual.

Would make sense, but none of the usual suspects asks whether a vehicle is CPO or not. CPO only makes the difference with private party sale.


Thatā€™s the best option for a manual BMW anyway

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