BMW 2020 i3 Rex Lease return- tires

I will be returning my 2020 i3 Rex soon.

One of the rear tires may not pass the inspection. One dealer said that in pre-inspection.
Do I need to replace just one or both in the rear? Or all four tires?

I do not see any reliable source for used tires. Does anybody know?
Costco seems best for new tires. Any other suggestions in NorCal/Bay Area?

Thanks in advance!

It’s 2WD right? So just the two rears need to match each other.

Sometimes a pair of cheap tires is cheaper than matching the one expensive OE tire, sometimes not.


Check some of the used tire dealers online. I have good success getting exact replacements at lease turn in time. You should only have to replace the one tire that does not pass inspection.

Yes, it is 2WD. i3 tires are unique not many brands make them :).

Thanks @max_g

Thanks @Wtmeyer

Which dealer did you buy it from?

Have you check Ebay and the like for vehicle part-outs? Might have to buy a wheel with it, but could end up being cheaper.

Maybe check with your local bicycle shop? :joy:

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I heard that some ebikes have started using i3 tires. :joy:

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A dealer pre-inspection is meaningless, you should schedule the real inspection with Autovin to see 1) if the tire(s) is in fact below the threshold, and 2) if so, what BMWFS will charge for it.

I can’t imagine an i3 tire would be that much, but you never know.

If the charge for the tire is only $200 or so from BMWFS then it’s a personal call of whether it’s worth it to go through the trouble of finding matching used tires, getting them installed, etc.

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Thanks @j_e_f_f.

I didn’t know about Autovin. I’m planning to give them a call tomorrow. I have always leased a new BMW upon returning, so I’ve never had to pay any fees when returning. However, the last time I returned an i3, the dealer asked me to replace something. That’s why I want to be prepared this time around.

i3 tires are not cheap, listed at $245 on the Costco website. I agree with you that if I need to replace only one tire, it may not be worth the hassle.
I have searched for used tires on eBay, but haven’t had any luck. If you happen to know of any other sources, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks @RobC2 I checked eBay but not with wheels. I will now.

I believe the last time I used United Tires (

Thanks @Wtmeyer!

I gave a quick look, and it appears the I3 uses a pretty uncommon size tire. I did not see anything in stock for the i3.

@Wtmeyer thanks for checking. Yes, I agree.

Return it as is and call to waive charges as a goodwill. If not, BMW charges $150 per tire for i3.

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Yeah the savings from all this effort seem minimal if the charge is $150.

Thanks, @Mike_Ezginder and @max_g.

I plan to get another BMW if all goes well. Hopefully, they will just wave it.

BMW charged $150 each for 4 tires. It was cheaper than replacing them.


I will try calling them. Thanks @Mike_Ezginder