Hi Hackers.
Looking for a 4 door, 4x4, V6 Auto Pickup Truck lease (24month/10K a year)with tow package. Not married to any particular brand but seems like Tacomas are the best lease deals. Have others in NJ/NY/Pa area got a good lease on other trucks besides Tacomas?
Frontier, look no more.
Theres an echo in here…Frontier.
Look at the S/SV/Pro 4X Crew cabs as they have RVs at 98-99%.
@Lesyk posted some frontier pros I’d jump on those,
Dealer is not in the 3 states you stated tho
Thank you. Wasn’t sure about Frontier but will check them out.
I got one 5 months ago. S trim for $360 per month for 24 mo / 10k miles but I am in TX. Someone posted they got pro4x for $4k-$5k 18 months lease
The deals on these are starting to seep out of the woodwork…
ooh wow ! Let me look at Frontiers seriously.
Ya let me know if you need info, not sure what your shipping situation is. But was 53xx with 5.5% tax
How are things back there in 2019??
No but seriously, like others said, 18-mo Frontier.
For the price point. Frontier is the best choice. But I like the way a tacoma looks so gonna go that route. Texted a broker from here and waiting to make a decision on the trim level. Will report back when I pull the trigger
Probably makes more sense to purchase if going Tacoma.
The combination of lease cash, RVI subvention, MF ain’t what it used to be.
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