Best June lease deal / incentives for car under 25K?

The BMW deals are great because of the inflated RV, low MF, and high incentives. 10-12% off MSRP, which is a fairly typical BMW target discount isn’t bad by any means, but it’s also not abnormally low for a lot of other vehicles.

Audis, for example, tend to have very similar discount amounts as BMWs, if not higher on some models. However, because of their much lower RV, high MF, and lesser incentives they tend to lease significantly worse than comparable BMWs.

That is the whole point. The lease programs are what make the difference here between what is a “good deal” and what is a “bad deal”. If you were simply looking at discounts, you’d expect the Audi to be the better lease.

There also really isn’t that much variation in target discounts between competing cars these days. Yah, one brand may have a ceiling of 13% and another of 10%, but it’s going to be within a few percent difference at best.


You simply need to work with better dealers. Some don’t even discount. Is it worth hassling with them?

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We are never going to agree. The guy who leased the 45k aspec for 275 sign and drive did so because of discount to net cap cost (car discount and incentives). The residual was a crappy 50% and an average MF. The unicorn deals are ones with the huge discounts off the top - not ones with small discounts and inflated RVs or reduced MF.

I mean this whole thing stemmed from talking damn 20k corollas and civics. The MF and residual makes very little difference when you are talking 7k in total costs. The better deal will come from the one where I can get the best discount from msrp coming from dealer discount and incentives

Discounts and incentives are still different things.

If you’re going to argue that the best deal is the one that’s the combination of the lease programs being in your favor and a good discount, no one is going to disagree, but that’s not how this conversation started.

How fast OP went from

to being an expert


The OP was clarifying the difference between overall dealer profit and margins on the discount from msrp.