Best deal someone’s had on a C63?

Hey everyone,

I’m looking to do some research on a c63 but am curious what to look out for, and what any of you have done on a c63? I’m looking to build one for around 75k and am new to “leasehacking” I’m in NY and am wondering how knowing the “mf and rv” could help me and how much it might end up costing from your experience? I’ll probably be looking to get a 2020 when the 2021 comes out.

Thanks for your help!

Check out @AutoCompanion ‘s updated August Mercedes deals. Looks like a pretty amazing deal on a c63… as long as your cool signing a 4yr lease.


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This right here. Ordering and using a valuable dealer allocation on a c63 deal, for cheap, is not going to happen.

Do MB factory orders come out of dealer allocations?

You won’t get anywhere without knowing the basics (at a minimum).

Do you want to learn a skill that will save you thousands of dollars every 2-3 years or not?

I would be shocked if they don’t count. Otherwise I see dealers ordering “sold” cars for inventory.

Yeah I do, that’s why I’m asking/ I’d love any advice and/or resources that could help me

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Back in the day, BMW ED orders didn’t… obviously different company and all that but…

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For euro delivery, someone has to actually pick up the car and sign paperwork. If a dealer is just ordering cars, they can go directly to stock. So the dealer makes up a customer and orders car for their inventory.

You rarely get the choice to schedule a new build late enough in the model year for it to be a leftover.

Ordering has been wonky for many brands this year. Sounds like a perfect question to ask a MB dealer.

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I meant the build would be around 75k and I’d accommodate some of the specs for what’s in stock, not that I’d actually build it- sorry