It was you, wasn’t it Bear?
Nah, they found the costume.
To further verify that the figure in the videos was not a real bear, the insurance department said it took the footage to biologists with the California department of fish and wildlife to review. That agency also concluded that it was clearly a human wearing a bear suit, authorities said.
Detectives then discovered the bear costumein the suspects’ home after executing a search warrant.
From reading about the fraud and the car brands and their family names, i suspect these guys lived in Glendale CA
Inside joke for those who know
I know nothing about Glendale, but I know about names.
There was a bank that refused to lend to this family in Glendale due to the amount of fraud generated. They got slapped for discrimination
Motor Trend had some more juicy tidbits on this. Funny enough, Dept of Insurance consulted with a biologist from Dept of Fish and Wildlife. Verdict: only Glendalian (or is it Glendalyan?) bears move like humans.
My Armenian friend posted this on his IG story and said “us Armenians are never going to get off the insurance fraud hook” hahah
Only insurance fraud? Ara’s selling it short, lol.
More bear stories…
Live by the sword…
Could not bear a thought that a dearly departed gent was a spotter for his trigger happy friend.