Balenciaga’s new $1,800 purse looks like a Lay’s potato chip bag

agree 100%, at least with Nike so far this year, but there are only a few sneakers that they have released that I actually want


Amazing, a thread about this blatant garbage is allowed but discussion relating to the current state of our economy is removed entirely. Prime example of why America is the way it is today. :us:

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Since the moniker has grown in popularity, I’m gonna go ahead and coin this one: Recession Denial/Deniers.

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I think the retail price, including tax of everything Im wearing now is $30. I went crazy and bought the $12 shirt one time, that’s why it’s so high :slight_smile:

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I used to do that when I first started working and I was in the city around people in their mid-20s/30s who were all wearing Ferragamo and Gucci belts and stuff like that. I went out and bought two $1000 Hugo Boss suits and $500 Italian leather dress shoes. Destroyed all that in 6-8 months since the car industry isn’t easy on clothes and shoes since you are always on your feet. I still buy nicer brands (mostly Brooks Brothers and Allen Edmonds) since they fit me well and it is good quality, but I wait for the bigger sales and keep everything for a while.

When is the big sale yearly at Nordstrom? I need a new blazer.

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Lemme guess…they blamed stoopid boOmERs for not being able to buy a house. Am I close?

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Yearly sale (Anniversary sale)already done :white_check_mark:


That was in 2016 so I don’t think anyone was complaining about boomers yet.

I’ve never a ton of blazers, but I bought a Hugo Boss one at a 2nd-hand store for $38! And then spent another $130 on tailoring… ::sigh:: Great blazer.

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It was a thing already. Here’s an article from 2015.

It was right around then that the $17 avocado toast sandwich started making appearances. It’s weird how buying those and $400 belts makes one unable to buy real estate huh?

I don’t like avocado, so I have been able to save for a house. McMansion coming soon.

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I LOVE avocado toast (although I never order it when I go out), so I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOU DENIGRATING ANYONE WHO LOVES IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!!


That’s always the snark Millennial/Zoomer reply. Oh yeah man like $20 for a sandwich will make a difference.

No, $20 for A sandwich won’t. But $20 for a sandwich every day, combined with $10 for Starbucks every day combined with $18 cocktails 4 days a week, combined with $1000 phones every year and $500 belts ever couple of months…yeah that shit adds up to a downpayment in a few years.

It’s delicious and should only cost about $3 to make at home with organic ingredients.

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Like Puma x HH?

Not sure how much avocado you like on your toast, but buying enough organic avocados at the store will cost more than $3 (even a single organic avocado is pretty close to $3)… But I understand your overall point. :slight_smile:

TBH, I’m not even sure if there’s a HUGE overlap btw younger folks who spend a lot of on food (which might still be separate from those who spend a lot on certain types of food like avocado toast) and those who complain about boomers being the root of all evil in the world.

Or anything that Kayne West/Yeezy does?

No, thanks.

I yet have to see a hype about anything puma :joy:

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What’s that animal on top? :grin:

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:joy: its Puma X Maison Kitsune… got it on sale from saks for like $60 bucks (used amex platinum $50 credit) so that was hacker buy :joy:

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