⌚️ AutoTime | MARCH. Insane Audi deal! 8-15% percent off all model! Text (646) 570-3869

2024 AUDI A5 Sportback @ 13% off MSRP :glowing_star::star_struck:

52k Sticker


Great deal!!

Text 646-570-3869 for quote
Make sure to include
*How soon you looking to get a car

$799 broker fee

:star: AUGUST :star:

Costco is back for August!

  • A5/S5, A6/S6, Q5/SQ5, Q8/SQ8, Q4-Etron/Q8 Etron - $1000 Rebate
  • Q7 - $1500
  • A8/S8- $3000

Let’s quick off a strong :muscle: month!

Great Audi Deals!

Audi Q7 45 Premium plus with black optics available for 10% off MSRP!!! :fire::fire::fire::fire:


(Costco rebate $1500)

$899 broker fee

Text 646-570-3869 for personalized quote!

AUDI ETRON GT AVAILABLE @ 12% OFF pre incentives

2 out of 2 sold

Insane deal!!!

Sample NJ (no tax)
Deal- $721 Month/ $721 due at signing. :star_struck: :exploding_head:

Or ($667 month/ inceptions upfront $2605)

$916 month/ $916 due at signing

Don’t wait this won’t last!

$1200 broker fee

Text 646-570-3869


Is this substantially worse for NY still?

Can you get 12K miles a year on it. Also what color?

Pm’d you!

Come onnn mike, can you please add NY numbers too lol

There you go

We got something special….


:racing_car: :dash:

150K msrp

1 of 2 sold

Insane deal!!!

NJ (no tax)
$1,094 with $3,300 due at signing

$1200 broker fee

Text 646-570-3869

Highest discounts on all audi’s

We have all models available

$799 Broker fee on all
(Except for Etron GT/ RS Etron)

Text 646-570-3869 for all your audi needs.
-Include your Name, Zip, costco?
And How soon you’re looking to lock in a deal.

Few more available

Insane deals!

Q7 45 premium plus starting at 770 month :fire::fire:

Inquire via text
Text 646-570-3869

AUDI ETRON GT AVAILABLE @ 12.5% OFF pre incentives

Great deal!!



NJ- $789 month/ $789 due at signing!

NY- $858 month/ $2189 due at signing

This is a steal :star_struck:

*Calc does not include NJ new registration fee


Don’t wait, this won’t last!

$1200 broker fee

Text 646-570-3869

Hi, do you help in MA?

Text me

More etron gt’s available @ 12% off!!

Prices similar to deals above. For NJ
Around 750-800 with just first month due!!

Text 646-570-3869

$1200 broker fee

2024 Audi S5 Sportback available @ 11% off msrp!!

Premium plus

1 out of 2 sold

Sample NY deal
$730 Month/ $2100 due at signing (Tax included!) :dash:

36/10k miles

*Price includes $1000 costco rebate

$899 broker fee

Text 646-570-3869

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Looking for a loaner to buy in new york, anyone has any advise?

What type of car?

Insane AUDI Q7 deal!! :star_struck: :exploding_head:

2025 Audi Q7 45 Premium Plus
36/7.5k miles

*Costco rebate included. If you don’t have a costco membership- please remove $1500 incentive from calc.

Starting at $702 month + Tax (Plug in your tax rate in the calc)

Inceptions due at signing!

$899 Broker fee

Text 646-570-3869

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