🔥 Auto Ninjas March BMW Deals & Mini Deals! Local to NYC w Delivery! 39 Mo Program is Back - Insane Loaner Drop

Let’s have another big month! Discounts posted on spreadsheet.

  • Great Discounts! Continuing with our Promo to help build allocations for the future
  • $175 Doc Fee
  • NY, NJ, CT, PA Clients only
  • NY Dealer, No need to ship your car from other brokers in Maryland & PA.
  • Free Home Delivery (distance dependent) with lease return


About Auto Ninjas

  • Auto Ninjas was founded in 2019 to help make the auto leasing process stress free and easy. The ALN team handles the auto leasing process from start to finish. Customers can browse our selection of deals, calculate their payment and work with our ninjas to identify the perfect vehicle for them. Once the customer finalizes their choice of vehicle, all the preliminary paperwork can be done from the comfort of your living room and in most cases, the car can be delivered straight to your door!
  • We are bonded :white_check_mark: and licensed :scroll:
  • Our Reviews :writing_hand: : Auto Ninjas (Formally Auto Lease Ninjas) Review Page. We Buy Cars & Lease Returns - North East, FL, SoCal

Damn, wish I could find this in MA.

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Move to New York haha!

Only NY, NJ, CT, PA for now

Can also do I4’s at 4%, IX 50i at 6%

7 series @ 6%
840 @ 6%

Buy Rate, $175 Doc, No Broker Fee!

What is delivery time on an X3 and X5 looking like?

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X3 is running between 6-8 weeks, will be more if individual/special color

X5 is running between 4-8 weeks, will be more if individual/special color

Seems like I should mention since it was received (surprisingly) controversially. M Cars require a $2500 dealer deposit up front and another $2500 right before it gets built. Last 24 hours to lock in an order with no broker fee!

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You’re telling me I can’t custom order a $90k+ car with limited availability with no deposit?


Yep exactly lol. $5k seems pretty standard - and esp reasonable considering the split until it goes into production.

If I want to build a custom M car, what is the wait time I can expect?
Do you do MA as well?


We don’t do MA - NY/NJ/CT/PA

If there’s demand I’m happy to post some M car deals as well

There’s always demand for M cars, the price point determines how much demand though lol

330s - 6% off MSRP
m340s - 3% off MSRP
430s cp/gc - 6% off MSRP
430 Vert - 2% off MSRP
m440s cp/gc - 4% off MSRP
m440 vert - 2% off MSRP
530s - 7% off MSRP

X3 30is - 6% off MSRP
X3m40i - 3% off MSRP
X5 40is - 5% off MSRP
X7 - 3% off MSRP

M Cars - All at MSRP, Buy Rate, $175 Doc, No Broker Fee!

Last day to lock the no broker fee promo in - enhanced the discounts to help build allocations. All Ms Including X5M/X6M 2024 Build Slots at MSRP /$175 Doc / No Fee. No need to go to MD/PA or pay for shipping! NY dealer.


Hi, are these discounts off MSRP for 2024? Except 5 series?

23 or 24 builds (model dependent) - some models like X5 have switched over to 24MY, some are still 23MY.

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Let’s have another big month! Discounts valid on orders only through 5/15.

  • Great Discounts for May! Continuing with our Promo to help build allocations for the future
  • No Broker Fee (on orders only) - No Fee Promo Valid through 5/8, In stock & after - $599
  • $175 Doc Fee
  • Buy Rate MF
  • NY, NJ, CT, PA Clients only
  • NY Dealer, No need to ship your car from other brokers in Maryland & PA.
  • Free Home Delivery (distance dependent) with lease return

330s - 6% off MSRP
m340s - 3% off MSRP
430s cp/gc - 6% off MSRP
430 Vert - 2% off MSRP
m440s cp/gc - 3% off MSRP
m440 vert - 2% off MSRP
530s - 7% off MSRP
540s - 6% off MSRP

X3 30is - 6% off MSRP
X3m40i - 3% off MSRP
X4 30i - 3.5% off MSRP
X4 m40i - 2.5% off MSRP
X5 40is - 6% off MSRP
X5 50e - 2.5% off MSRP
X5 m60i - 2.5% off MSRP
X7 40i - 3% off MSRP

M Cars - All at MSRP, Buy Rate, $175 Doc, No Broker Fee!


Can we bother you to post some calcs?

Because of the two different terms with loyalty it will likely lead to people messing up quoting themselves so for now - request a quote through the instructions above. Spoiler alert - no BMW is cheap this month (or recently).

2 M4s Available - One in Transit, One on Ground - MSRP - $175 Doc - No Fee

First one is a manual



Are MSDs permitted for NY dealers (NJ buyer)? If so, what’s the max and what is the reduction for each nowadays? Thanks.