You can toggle the term drop down - it is significantly more beneficial to do 24 month term and then subsequently extend your lease another 6 months (or less)
These are generating a lot of leads and are selling quickly, so, in order to be as efficient as possible - laying out the following
These are located near NYC and require in store pick up. For most NYC, NJ, CT Residents, it is within a 90 minute drive for pretty much everyone. The only out of region (Non NY/NJ/CT) states we will do deals with are VA, MD, FL, OH, NC, SC, which will need to be picked up in person. We prefer to sell these to NY/NJ/CT/PA Customers
Color choices are somewhat limited - please have 2-3 preferences and we will match you with a car
We have listed quotes for NY, NJ, CT Residents in this post using a 24/10k term. Every other term (ex: 36 months) will be significantly more expensive. We cannot discount further than posted.
Fill out the form to inquire after reading through post and viewing calculators.
Lastly, thank you for reading this - I hope the calculations for the three most popular states help you and us be efficient and respectful of each others time!
People who read through the above will be prioritized!
Renegotiating lease extension is based on present/current terms at time of lease expire or near lease expiration. Isn’t this how Honda/Acura leasing works, please confirm?
Correct, it would be based on your contracted payment - unless something has changed very recently. Extending 6 months is what AFS currently allows you to do. While unlikely - if they end up changing their policy, they could allow more or less months when you request an extension 2 years from now.