Audi rs etron gt in febuary

im in nj and gave a deposit for a vehicle stuck at port in febuary when the lease was 12/7.5 with 32,500 in rebates - does anyone know if that program, carried over to march ? any way to salvage that deal if the program did not carry over ?

It would be possible to honor the 12 month lease program if the dealership submitted a rate protection lock on your behalf, however the 32,500 in total rebates are gone and I don’t believe they have a way to get that back

They aren’t going to honor that. Good luck!

Not sure if you’re a Costco member, but this is new for March 2024:

Not sure what the rebates are for March so I wonder if that would make up the 32 1/2 thousand that was available in February

The rebates are 7500.

Damn. Guess it’s gone !