Audi Platinum Plus Term Care

Signed the lease deal in texas for Q8 etron . Pretty new to leasing so asking a very basic question here.

I selected the basic plan for service and maintenance which included audi care ($899) and platinum plus term care ($1772). I may keep this vehicle after the end of the lease term. In this scenario, does it make sense to have platinum plus term care plan?


Looks like a rip off.

Brake job including rotors - This is an EV, you won’t need brake change in 36k miles
Wheel alignment - Not really needed?
Key replacement - Do you lose your keys a lot?
Other stuff - Covered by warranty?

Looks like you have Term Protection AND the Audi Care.
Term Protection is the maintenance program for wheel alignment plus brake jobs and such
And the Audi Care is pre-paid maintenance. Those two are well worth it, if you need the alignment every 30,000 miles plus any brake jobs.

No, term care is not worth it. I would cancel the contract and save $50 a month for any future maintenance issues. Also, you are not going to keep this vehicle after 36 months. The battery technology will be completely new by then.

They got you good, hopefully you can cancel both.

Kinda scared to ask how good or bad the lease was.

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How much does AudiCare normally go for, for a 36 mo period (genuine question)? $999 doesn’t sound unusual to me.

I was keen on Audi care but not the term care but I added it since I can cancel it at any point in time within first 30 days ? I had these both when I owned an A5 Cabriolet but this time I went with lease . Do you see even Audi care is not worth it?I guess, unlike term care , I cant cancel it.

I was keen on Audi care but not the term care but I added it since I can cancel it at any point in time within first 30 days ? I had these both when I owned an A5 Cabriolet but this time I went with lease . Do you see even Audi care is not worth it? I guess, unlike term care , I cant cancel it.

The details about the lease you asked are as follows.
MSRP ~ 79,600
6k down
Residual - 56%
MF - 0.0014
649 per month including audi care and term care. If I cancel term care , I can save 50 bucks here.

As of now, I am planning to keep this vehicle after 36 months. So consider this situation and advise if term care is good or not .

Looks like I can even cancel the Audi Care. I was going through this forum and many of them recommended having Audi Care. Tell me if I should cancel this ?

Its actually $899 for etrons.My bad there

Thanks for your suggestion.

With Term Care you are pre-paying for a maintenance service you may not need within the 36 month period. Audi is not going to change your brakes at 36 months if not needed. Bank the $50 a month and save it for any possible maintenance after the 36 month lease ends. I suspect you will find the residual much higher than the value of the vehicle at the end of 36 month, but time will tell.