Audi Lease End Protection for $750, worth it?

This is super helpful info! My lease is up in July and this kind of stuff was starting to freak me out. Mine has very few issues so hopefully, it will be plain sailing. The tires were the only thing that MAY need a change from some spirited driving

I am returning my 2018 A4 in a few months, also got the lease end protection for around $700. Does anyone know if it covers brakes? (The brochure didn’t mention brakes only tire wear)

Our last maintenance the dealer was trying to convince us changing brakes say it won’t last till the next one. However, the lights are still not on after almost 10k miles. One caveat is when we mentioned we had the lease end protection they said any itemized items exceeding $1000 is excluded. Now I am worried that when we return the car they can claim tires/brakes replacement will cost above 1k hence our lease end protection is not covered… I checked the Audi brochure and it did listed “Any itemized excess wear-and-tear charge that exceeds $1000” is excluded. Devil’s in the details.

Anyone has experience on this? Can we just return the car as is without getting charged?

There should be an administrator number in your signed protection plan as part of lease contract. You can call that number and get the list of items covered by the plan.