Audi E-tron GT incentives

I am seeing different incentives for the 2024 etron GT right now and trying to figure out which one applies so I can make some offers.

Some dealers are showing 10,000 customer cash.

Rate Finder and Edmunds show:
7500 EV lease cash
7500 Customer credit

So which is it? Obviously I would like 10k customer cash with the EV cash! but will that work?

There’s an $7500 National Customer Credit that every one gets. $7500 lease cash (in lieu of the Fed Tax Credit). so total= $15000.

The $10000 National Credit: Bonus cannot be combined with discounted Audi Financial Services Special Lease or Special APR Programs, or on Fleet or Dealership Sale Program vehicles. On the non-RS, you could get up to $17500 incentives, but would likely be paying much more for the financing.

[On RS eTron GT: If you pay the full AFS MF=0.0041 or finance with non-AFS bank- you can get the $10000 vs the special national MF rate=0.00051 or CA/NY/CT/FL subverted MF=0.00021, which you would not and just take the $7500 lease cash which isn’t listed under “incentives” on the Audi dealer websites].

It’s confusing I know and most dealers themselves don’t seem to have full understanding of this, but I was working on a RS eTron GT deal that fell apart b/c the $2500 incentive descrepancy ($22500 vs $20000), and finally got the information after synthesizing information from multiple dealers and various sources.

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Thank you for clarifying it! Why do they make this stuff to confusing? I guess to they can nickel and dime the unsuspecting!

Its not always that it’s often just accounting

Curious to hear about current incentives/deals for an Audi E-tron GT in SoCal. Anyone out there care to share?

There are not many 2024s left. And 2025s don’t have much incentives yet. I am about to send emails to some of the remaining ones with my offer. Will see how it pans out.

There are 27 2024s left nationwide per the Audi USA website with the majority in CA, the West Coast or AZ:

hoping they have another flash sale on these by the time my current lease is up

I was just told by a dealer that the 10% innovator discount cannot be combined with the other discounts. Who would ever choose that over the 15k (ev and customer cash) ?

I got quoted 1200/, month, when the calculator was showing closer to 850.

I dont think that’s true at all. Innovator is only 10% preincentive so not great to begin with if unicorn hunting.

Pretty sure lease support on the 24s ended yesterday.

Guess they are stuck with these 130k vehicles then. The dealers I was talking to would not budge on price.

When there are only a few cars left in the nation you need to expand your search pretty wide (unless you get lucky)

Deja vu circa February 2024.

Ultimately Audi had no choice but to bring back the large incentives later in the year.

They know what they got! A massive hole in their books.