Ask advice of lease 2024 m440i


I receive a quote from dealer about 2024 bmw m440i

Market Value Selling Price






Adjusted Price


Document Processing Charge


Non Tax Fees


Net Price


Dealer required package




0.00225 mf

.55 residual

I live in Atlanta, and based on dealer’s calculations, my money payment gonna be 958 with 0 down payment and 7 msd. The total drive off gonna be 7958. Any advice of this deal?

Mf should be .00205 correct @IAC

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If marked up, yes. .00205, .00165 base.

10% off an M440i seems great. They still don’t lease well at all, but as far as a discount goes, that is extraordinarily strong for this car. Even after you factor in the $1,595 nonsense fee.

The dealer can’t mark up past .00205 so this should be cheaper, unless this quote was from last month.

If you really want the car. Either try to get base rate and they leave the stupid package, or bumped without the package. If you really really want the car, this deal is decent as is.


Is this really 10% off though, when you have $1500 in forced dealer add ons and a max msd mark up?

More like 5.5%


Just checked, it’s about 5.9% from my quick math.

So still not bad, I think the strongest broker on here is at 6% right now.

For an M440i, it’s still not bad, but I would be pushing to remove the package if the rate is bumped, or base rate and they can have their stupid package.

I still wouldn’t lease this car, but in this hypothetical situation, that’s what I’d be trying to do if I am OP and under the assumption I have definitely decided to lease.


What is base rate that I should ask for this dealer? Since he didn’t want to remove this package…

Is this quote from last month or this month?

this month

The money factor is wrong then, .00165 is the base rate, which means the most they can markup to is .00205.

Ask for base rate with the package, or remove the package and .00205 money factor. You’ll have a solid deal if you accomplish 1/2 of these, if you manage to remove the package and get base money factor, that would be really great.


Thank u so much!

Have you checked what @IAC or @Bacons_C.C is offering on these?

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Should I max msd into 7 with base rate?

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Let me ask them! Thank u

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