April incentives 2019


which brands have better promotions in April than March? in market for luxury SUV

Won’t know till tomorrow at the earliest.

Take screenshots of all incentives today and then compare once the new ones are out. Easy peasy

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Interest rates are down, so MF should improve across the board

Nothing yet?

can anybody post which brands got much better deals in April than March

Ha, :spoon: :spoon: :spoon: :spoon:


Would you like everyone to negotiate for you too?


if you have nothing intelligent to respond why bother , skip this thread

I don’t think I am asking for much , not asking for specific model/trims just general question which Manufactor having better deals in April than March

The problem is…while you’re not asking for specific model/trim, that’s what you need. Mfg support varies on each individual model car, so each individual model car could be better or worse than last month. There’s really no way to make a blanket statement that X mfg is better this month.

And unless someone is tracking that info individually, you’ll never know, unless you’re willing to search and find out for yourself.

So yes, you’re asking a lot.


You want everything :spoon: fed, that’s not how this place works

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Garbage in, garbage out. You won’t get a specific answer to a vague question - here or anywhere else.

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So you want someone to go through ALL manufacturers for you? That’s a lot of work. Why not just do it yourself. Or pay a broker to get you a deal considering that you like to be spoonfed

OP Consult with a broker —

Mods let us close this thread …

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looking for large SUV like Acura MDX, VW Atlas, BMW X5

That’s definitely a step in the right direction… which trims are you interested in for each model?

Once you figure that out, you can go to Autobytel.com to look at regional incentives and go to Edmunds forums to check out the MF and RV for each model and trim and the mileage/year term you want on the lease.

Once that’s done and you’ve compiled all that information, you can start emailing or calling different dealers in your area to get quotes and now you can match their quotes with the information you have. This is how to tell if you have a decent deal. It’s a great start.

Once you have quotes, you can leave them here in this thread and we can help evaluate them for you and identify areas that you can work on/negotiate to maximize the benefit of each deal.

All in a day’s work! I take payment by credit or bank check.

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@nyelcap I second the motion that this is a step in the right direction. Shopping for more than 2-3 things at a time can be mentally exhausting if you’re not used to the strain and playing the game with the dealers. A narrow focus will help you see more clearly and if you eliminate something along the way, you’ll have a better idea of what to add to the mix than where you originally started.


has some listed here

:slight_smile: That’s fine, I won’t be too much of a grammar nazi.


Did you create an account with this website just to tear apart OP’s grammar?

Uhh, welcome to the community?