Anyone with experience using Xcare EV extended warranty

Looking to see if anyone has experience using Xcare EV extended warranty. I know the feedback from Tesla Motors Club is fairly positive, but I’ve asked around elsewhere and apparently, it’s just a front for Endurance Warranty, whose reviews are much less favorable. The MB forum likes to recommend Fidelity Platinum, which I’ve had priced out and is more then Xcare, but comparing the Endurance and Fidelity exclusions, they seem pretty similar.

2yr Extension Costs
Xcare $500 deductible $2900 (0% for 12 months financing)
Fidelity Platinum $250 deductible $4048 (no financing)
Mercedes ELW $0 deductible $5600 (no financing)

No experience with Xcare.

Fidelity wins over MB between the latter two. MB would need 6+ visits to come out ahead.

I can tell you that the Porsche community also loves Fidelity Platinum, it’s extremely popular on Rennlist.