Anyone know bmw June incentives yet?

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Asking for east coast - NY/NJ market. I know numbers come out tomorrow. I have a decent deal on the table with May’s numbers but I don’t need the car til late June/early July and my dealer is telling me June should be equal or possibly better since 2021 production is ending, so he is guiding me toward June order. FWIW I trust this guy and not my first bmw I’m getting from him, but I follow “trust but verify”.

Anyway just trying to see if I should call him and lock it in with May’s numbers or if anyone has a sneak peak of June! Thanks!

No one knows until they are released tomorrow.

Im quite surprised your contact thinks there could be improvements, though. That seems extremely unlikely.


Care to share the deal? What is the pre-incentive discount? What model?

This is why I’m so nervous. his thinking probably makes sense in normal years. But not 2021 shitshow!

I dont have the papers in front of me but it’s an X3 x30i w/ exec.pkg. msrp around $62.5, with loyalty came out to ~520/month with ~3.5k up front (fees, taxes, first month).

What is the pre-incentive discount? More than 10% off MSRP?

Honestly…bird in the hand

Programs haven’t changed in months on X3 and previously they were only $500 better

$13/month doesn’t make or break a deal

I’d roll the dice and take it if it’s the deal / car you want and only good for you today.

Or, see if you can submit an app today and sign tomorrow (pick better of May/June programs)


It was around 10% when we played with the calculator. I dont have the exact #s on me at the moment.

I didn’t know it was possible to straddle both months’s programs by doing that. Will inquire, thanks!!!

I agree about the bird in the hand thing. But the car would also be an inconvenience to get so soon since I have my current X1 til July.

:point_up::point_up:What Mike said. No reason to wait and see if numbers might improve for June.


What is the monthly? Can you afford two car payments for one month?

Well if that’s the case…May as well wait.

$500-600 is probably the number that is in play here. You’ll have added carrying costs that you don’t need to spend. Programs could get worse. Could get better. 10% will be achievable in future months.

See if they’ll take the deal and roll in your last X1 payment

They would do that but for various reasons that don’t matter I’d like to avoid that.

Unrelated question (and I appreciate your help!) – is BMW FS generally forgiving on things like dents if you lease a new one from them? my X1 is the first bmw I have that’s sustained some parking damage and the inspection assessed 3 body panels (== $1200). With Acura I was able to have them forgive something like this in the past when I took a second Acura.

My opinion doesn’t matter

It’s the assessor from the bank who will make the call. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best

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Call bmwfs after everything is said and done… ask them politely to waive some/all damages for your continued loyalty


Sure, but you have way more experience than I do (99% sure of that), so you’d have seen more than I have!

That was absolutely the plan! Just trying to calibrate my expectations :slight_smile:

I don’t work for a body shop / bank and I sure as shit know how to set expectations appropriately by declining to offer an answer here that will only end up with you disappointed

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fair enough. I wouldn’t hold it against you but I can see how you have to protect yourself. :v:

Hey, so this ended up being the answer 100%. We submitted the app today. He called me and apparently he heard rumblings now that SUV programs will be worse tomorrow, but we’ll be able to resubmit with June numbersif he’s wrong…

Today is the last day of May programs so just be sure they’ll honor that same discount tomorrow