Anyone else throwing in the towel and buying a Tesla?

Remember, the goal is to get people in first…polls show that the wast majority stay in so if you can get everyone to go the combo route that will be 50% evs market share right there. They need to redirect $ gradually not stop the cheese right away. If in doubt that this can work look at the Norway example…they never let the incentives go even now that they passed 50%.

“You’ll care when automakers stop selling ice vehicles.”
Sure will…but you are looking at 20-30 years for that to happen.

If we have to throw money at it I’d rather just see investments in a more robust power delivery network and maybe (based on income) the waiving of sales tax and or reg fees for EV adopters.

I would go a step forward and impose a pollution tax on ice cars too…that should be a popular option on this form…

On the “based on income” remark…i hate this! Don’t discriminate based on income. The high earners pay more tax anyway, why would you leave them out even if they “don’t need the money”? Reward everyone for helping out with the ev adoption.

Maybe before every manufacturer stops selling everywhere, but many manufacturers have set dates way sooner than that, not to mention states that have drawn much earlier hard deadlines.

Investing in infrastructure does achieve that

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Bingo, this helps everyone!


I really would love an electric car, but can’t stomach the electric cars I would like to buy and their lack of range.

I won’t touch a Tesla. I don’t believe in supporting Elon and his company for his politics, work policies, and overall design decisions, but I will say without Elon this take of EV cars would not have been as fast.

I would love a sporty Crossover/station wagon EV with 400 to 500 miles of range on a charge for under 45k. That’s the stuff of pipes right now and we ar probably 15 years off from anything tangibly close.

I am very excited for the EV motor sports programs and to see what those evolve. Maybe those programs will give me what I’m looking for.

Until then, I’m sticking to ICE.


Who are these most drivers? Most Americans don’t have enough savings to afford and extra day off. When you make these statements they are base on what exactly?

Care to share these polls? Preferably not from elektrek or similar source. And how did you get 50%? Is 2 a limit of cars people supposed to have?

Isn’t California banning gas car sales in 2030? Or did they change the date?

EVs already don’t pay gasoline taxes that are supposed to maintain the roads, at some point this too will become a huge issue.

Sure, right after you impose taxes on all 18 wheelers, planes , the few corps that create most of the pollution.

But let me guess, you have no problem buying Chinese products?..because they have high work standards and solid political views…jeez some can really excel at hypocrisy.

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Much like gasoline for cars and diesel for trucks, aviation fuel is subject to pollutant taxes already.


2035 for California


The point is Elon’s private jet that’s constantly in the air as he flies from state to state sucking government funds out of everywhere pollutes more than Tesla saves. Let’s not pretend that EVs are going to save us.

Let’s get our bashing right: CA won’t sell/register NEW ICE vehicles after 2035 (which will probably get extended). You can keep registering your existing ICE and buy a CPO ICE from then on.


Dude, if Elon didn’t put so much effort into calling other people pedophiles and judging others for not buying his cars and saying they’re destroying the planet for not doing so… I wouldn’t care as much.

Have you actually heard what he says to people in interviews and how he acts? Or do you just hide your head in the sand?

The man neglects to mention the human cost of refining the raw materials for his batteries and the cost those batteries have on the planet.


Since when these people need to buy new? Used evs are actually crazy cheap so there is no affordability issues here. A used 2016 eGolf is cheaper than a regular Golf. My past ev leases were WAY cheaper than the gas version equivalents…by a mile!

What does that have to do with what was asked?!?

So what you’re saying is that investment into ev infrastructure would be much more helpful for reaching people across financial levels than any sort of new vehicle incentive program?


The problem with used EVs is parts and Right to Repair issues (of which Tesla has been the absolute model bully)


And my point was that there already is a pollutant tax on ice cars, 18 wheelers, and airplanes.


It would have been a perfect ending to your post if it was signed with the typical “Sent from my IPhone”

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