Any $200/mo $0 drive-off CVRP (100+ mile range) deals?

Dear Lease Hackrs, looking for your advice…

Last year, I got in on an amazing deal on a commuter Spark EV thanks to you guys by just lurking and reading your posts.

Lately I’ve been seeing posts about truly “incredible” deals for $98/mo CVRP-eligible cars like the i3. After reading those threads, it seems like those deals quickly become _UN_deals with $279/mo payments and high down payments etc.

Now I’m looking to lease a family range car and need either a Chevy Bolt, Volt, Leaf, or i3 REx. I haven’t seen anything close to $200/mo with $0 drive off. 10k/year for 36 months standard terms.

Should I keep waiting or am I looking for too good of a deal that simply can’t exist?

In the case of the Volt, you are too late. Last month was full of 200 a month deal for the volt.

In terms of the i3, 200$ month Rex should be possible if you do MSD’s (1400) and 1100 down. If you qualify for fleet and 2500$ CVRP. This is based on 49,495 MSRP (Rex).

Once you receive the rebate it’s essentially 0 out of pocket.
Then 1400 msds you get back equate to -46/mo

Loose numbers here but definitely can happen.

I saw some deals like that too, but your drive off number isn’t $0. The most I’d be willing to do is a lease broker’s fee like I did for the last lease I signed.

If you qualify for CVRP, drive off is 0 out of pocket (if you can front the money and wait for the return) If not, that’s a different story. You listed it in your title so I expect you do.

Yes! I’m still kicking myself kicking myself for missing that last month.

CVRP doesn’t arrive in the mail until later. I’m dreaming of $0 drive off and also getting CVRP a few months later in the mail.

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Ohhh ok. Might happen if you have time to sit and wait for the right deal. Gl with the search!

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Hey on your calculation what did you put as the mf?

.0077 with msds and fleet

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Pretty much exactly what I am looking for…