Am I nuts for mulling getting my teenager a sports car as her first car?

Middle-aged unsuccessful realtor vibes…

But joking aside, the OP’s daughter wants a 6MT.


Nah, realtors need a functional back seat, no? :slight_smile:


They’re all RX350’s around here…so they don’t stand out at all, really.

i’m sure xxx other people have probably said it before, but why not a manual wrangler? It’s manual, it’s fun to drive, great high school / college car, doesn’t go super fast, retains value fairly well, you can bang it up and fix parts yourself relatively easily, and it’s pretty safe / sizeable

When I got to college I was like why do so many kids have wranglers, how odd (they didn’t have many in EU where I grew up)… Then I got my first 4xe last year and I was like shit this thing is really cool, practical, fun, no wonder so many had Wranglers.


I’d always considered the Jeep the least practical vehicle ever built…can pack a bunch a people, cant pack in a bunch of stuff, sits too tall and heavy to be efficient, what could you possibly use it for? “Then I got my first 4xE”.


IMO this is the same fallacy as

“Diesels are great.”
“Manuals are great.”
“Diesel manuals must be great.”

Diesel manuals are awful.

Some combinations just won’t work.
Wranglers are great at being Wranglers.
Sports coupes are great at being sports coupes.
Don’t expect one to be good at being the other.

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Not sure what you mean? Just saying Wrangler is a great college / young kid car imo and available in manual if they want a manual transmission.

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Except for the whole crash-test part of it (Despite Design Changes, Jeep Wrangler Won't Stop Tipping in Crash Tests).

I would never put my kid in a car w/ removable doors and roof.


DAD?!?!!! you don’t get it - it’s a lifestyle

but they truly are terrible cars - driving on highway to college hours away is something i dreaded nevertheless in a noisy wrangler

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High cog, asking to flip

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fair enough - most of the people I went to school with lived on / around campus, so not much driving, definitely not an hour unless you’re sitting in traffic.

I supposed it isn’t the safest then, I wasn’t aware of the crash tests, though like many SUVs it is more likely to roll than a sedan…

Even gets the best of the adults


Or spend all her money on a car.

Absolutely irresponsible. Due to their lack of brain development in the frontal lobe, teen-agers are impulsive and make horrible decisions. I don’t care how smart, mature, or responsible you think your daughter is. No teen-ager should be behind the wheel of a sports car. I work in a career where I see hundreds of kids killed or disabled each year due to reckless and irresponsible driving. Most kids should not even be driving at 16.




Wanna know some stuff that will blow your mind? In several states kids can get licenses at 15, and even get permits at 14.

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No shit? Thanks for letting me know.

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Odd how we can drive cars at 16 but can’t vote, drink or smoke.

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Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. But I was surprised to learn that myself. Like in Alaska, a permit can be had by 14 years old. In Montana a legit drive by yourself license can be had at 15. And a few other examples like that sprinkled throughout the states.

I think his point was that just because it’s legal to do something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wise to do so.

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