Am I nuts for mulling getting my teenager a sports car as her first car?

Now you’re nuts twice over. How could you do your kid wrong like that? Camry, seriously?? Do you dislike her that much? :wink:

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Hopefully that was a joke. Why get a Camry for a kid who likes cars and wants to drive stick?


I feel like a manual Crosstrek Premium is the right answer here. Safe, slow enough to keep the focus on learning to drive. Fun in the sense that it’s manual. AWD, lots of cargo space for hauling sports equipment or whatever HS kids may need to.

Is it cool? I think it is in a way.


Everyone here is wrong. The young lady deserves a Crown Vic.


Something like a BMW 428 that you make look like an M3 would be close to to be what she wants. You’ll need to spend well over $20k for something decent, but you weren’t getting a decent Porsche 911at or near that price.

Why not a nice 440i? :grin:


a 20 year old car with high maintenance cost, no modern tech that probably smells like cigars and hookers. I love it.

Should have said “best I can do is a Miata”

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A very decent 996 in the $20s can absolutely be had. They haven’t really caught the car inflation wave.

good idea - maybe? depends on how much you trust the driver to be responsible. My first car was a crown vic ex-sheriff it was a blast to drive. But year into driving it i totaled a moms minivan - the bull bar on it was tougher than i thought lol.

Did you apologize to the Crown Vic after the accident?

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damn you guys are really out here starting to suggest cars I know you’d hate as a high schooler. A Corolla? Rather take the bus, then get run over by it. I don’t care if it has rims and a manual transmission. At least a civic for gods sake.


If my dad bought any car for me I’d be grateful. I grinded to get mine.


So you’re a gigolo? Brave of you to admit.

Awwwwww. you edited it. boooo


Underage sex work is illegal, but hard work isn’t

Come on it was live for like 45 seconds :laughing:


thank god mine wasn’t around, probably woulda ended up in a camry

damn is that too dark for this forum?? The thought of driving a camry I mean

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But instead you got a computer…



TBF between a computer and Fiero I’d take the computer.

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"no self-respecting outlaw would get caught dead driving that thing”


Built my own pc and I somehow ended up selling cars at one point on the internet and now I run around Abu Dhabi.

Butterfly effect ig.


You could be the next stradman and put up some nice clickbait. :racing_car: