Advice on the EQB 300. My husband was willing to take the first offer. This is our 3rd offer now at 10% msrp

Hi. This is a deal from Portland oregon I have been going back and forth with the dealer. I went from 6% off msrp to 10%. Is this a good deal for these Mercedes? Also. I asked for 10 and got it but I still have a 2000 down payment. That covers first month lease.

Is the dealer willing to do MSDs?

Youre at your limit with the dealer if you asked for 10 and they gave it to you. Less willing to negotiate if you ask for more. Still possible tho

And that’s usually 50% right.? The MF confused me. The higher the MF the better? They had an offer for 48 months for 49% MF. But it’s an extra year of leasing.

Youre talking about the residual value, not the money factor.


Don’t. Not even on Sunday.

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The MF .00095

I have one coming that I can do 13% on. I don’t know if it’s worth it when you have to ship it from Midwest

It’s not that bad but check with
@BENZORNOTHING has anything left (and there is 3 days.) He was at 13% if I remember right.


Thank you — I think that’s about right

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Real advice? Don’t waste your time with this garbage

Spend your money on a Model Y or MachE

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