Adjusted cap cost calculation

I’ve been working with a dealer in NJ getting the numbers together on a s90 they have in stock.

I feel like i am missing something when calculating the numbers, could someone tell me what is included in the “Adjusted cap cost”?


Sales price minus any incentives/rebates/CCR plus and capped fees/taxes/extras/etc.

Thanks for this. I feel i’m missing something in the sheet below. Does this look right to you?

Are you using MSD?

With those numbers I get 404/mo, with 1st, DMV and 4 MSD (4*450) due at signing

lol to make it even worse this is with 9xMSD which doesn’t show on here for some reason, you can see the change in the MF though. The $1262.90 was a down payment they added in there all on their own.

well that changes everything. so .00029 is net MF after 9 MSD?

yeah the MF for my area is 0.00074 with no MSD’s

what is line 19 for 695?

It’s the LAF (Lease Acquisition Fee aka Bank fee). It’s capped, i.e. capitalized into the lease and not due upfront.

i thought line 18 was the acq fee…

It is…So is 19. You’re not getting charged twice…Just an accounting thing.

note…@max_g explained it better than I did below.

Line 19 just shows that it’s been capped (someone could choose not to). OTOH, if DMV fees were capped too, that would make Line 19 a higher number.

  1. Total sales tax seems a little off. Tax on the monthly is 421.62 * 36 * 6.625%…what is the rest? Is there a taxable rebate in there? Maybe volvo A-plan 3k is taxable in NJ?

The selling price is <45,000 so it shouldn’t trigger the NJ luxury tax which is 0.4% of the selling price for cars >45K (or below combined 19 MPG).

What are 25 and 26? One is probably DMV, what’s the other?

Thanks for looking at this, I think they messed up this whole calculation because they were unsure how to enter the MSD’s. I’m glad its not just me and there is something off about it.

I’m asking them to create a new sheet without MSD’s then when those calculations make sense i’ll apply them.

Lets see what they come back with

This is with no MSD’s.

Use the LH calculator to double check the numbers