Acura ZDX Aspec AWD 24mo/10k year - $8000 ONE PAY SoCal ($333 month effective)

i just signed a deal for Acura ZDX Aspec AWD (MSRP $70,450) 24 months / 10k year $7,976 (with 7.75% tax included) one payment. This is not for RWD but AWD limited inventory and will not last too long. The above 7976 include all the tax, registration, misc fees that you usually get charge by the dealer. Again “include TAX” My home zip got 7.75% tax rate and depend on your zip it might go up to little bit above 10% or so but it should not be too much different; maybe 300 more or so?

you can see my signed contract at here

For the RWD, I think you can get for $7,200.

I will post the pic. later.

I didn’t use any dealer that is asking over $500 at here but I did a lot of homework by myself by checking this site, visiting several Acura dealers, as well as Cadillac dealer (to compare Lyriq offers) and also other electric vehicles. EQB, ARIYA, etc.
but EQB Benz dealer was too elegant even their cars are less equipped more expensive, less range, with less power, etc. I don’t need to pay extra for their logo on my car but I have more warm heart to drive nice car for better value.

If you need help getting a deal, PM me. I might be able to help a little but I would highly recommend you to do your homework with you own as well.
AcuraZDX-2024-AWD-P2.pdf (553 KB)


Good deal, but we did see one posted at $61xx for a 24/10k one pay RWD which means probably a grand or so more meat to bite off. Maybe slightly less bargaining room on the AWD models. Either way a great value for a 300+ mile range ev nicely equipped.

Obviously when you look at benz there’s a huge premium built in. The EQE is smaller and material quality on the seats is bizarre. Plus missing standard features like basic adaptive cruise is just inexcusable on an 80k sticker. Lease is going to be double what the ZDX is so not even a real competitor right now unless you’re fixed on getting a benz.

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There are 3 trims for ZDX.

  1. base model with RWD around $65k
  2. middle grade with AWD - more driving range with little bit better options, around $70k
  3. Sport with super cruse, etc. $75k

Depend on which dealer you go, they usually have plenty of inventories of 1.2, but not the 3. You might test drive 3 but you would be able to get good deal for 3 due to less inventories.

I did test drive EQB 250" & 300 and also 350 and all those were more like Corolla level of power and features (to me).

Anyway, EV are not selling well and Benz also have huge EV inventory built up in the backyards.


I am confused when looking at your signed contract. In section 3 - Scheduled Payment, there is a single payment of $5676. In section 6 - The Trade-in Vehicle, there is a trade in allowance of $7975. So actually your total payment is $13651 (5676+7975)?

This is my first time seeing the actual lease contract. Could someone please shed some light?


contract is a bit confusing. Did you use the trade in equity as a part of the one pay? The numbers look right. We’re doing this deal for $8090 including our $700 broker fee — very solid deal if it was non inclusive of trade.

Ok, I figured out.

So, you are correct. With this my lease signed contract, the amount I should have paid was
19,475.23 but with 11,500 rebate and discount it ends up. 7,975.23

the breakdown of 7,975.23 would be 5,676.53 is the payment for the car and the rest would be tax and other fees
7975.23 - 5676.53 = 2299
if I add all the tax listed on the form (891.25 + 46.11 + 6.59 =) 943.95 total for the tax
2299 - 943.95 = 1355.05
breakdown of 1355.05 would be
595 lease acquisition, 320 vehicle license, 312 registration, 85 doc fees
1355 - 595 - 320 - 312 - 85 = 43

the above 5696 include 408.29 tax
so the total tax would be 943.95 + 408.29 = 1,352.24 (with 7.75% tax rates)
so if your zip code tax rate is 9.88%, your total tax would be around $1,723.88
1724 - 1353 = 370 about 370 more


Thank you very much for the detailed breakdown, mokopin!

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I sure wish I could get the S model for a better price than all the dealers are quoting….and you are right, because of the significant price difference, there is a lot less of these hence you wanna bargain. i’m in SoCal and thought they might be a little bit more flexible but they are not

The type S model is one of those things we’re it doesn’t seem like it should be that much more to lease since the MSRP price difference is only 5k but of course that is not how leasing works. I wish my ZDX had a surround view camera but I couldn’t justify paying thousands of dollars more just for that feature since I don’t care that much about the other features only available on the type S.

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The surround view camera is not so useful. I have another car with it and I never use it.
I was interested i Supercruise but I think that will be on next list 2 years after this ZDX.

We are getting too greedy for just a small extras come with cars. We are spoiled.
Long time ago, we didn’t have power windows, no AC, but standard shift

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Type-S has lower lease offer incentive of only $2k vs $4k so add that to lower discount and it’s not really a hack compared to the A-spec.


I’ve heard that too……like you I sure wish the incentive was a little better to swallow…

Different strokes for different folks. I use the surround view camera on my XC90 a lot but rarely use the driver assistance technology. Probably beause my driving skews very urban with lots of parking in tight parking lots.

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ZDX A-Spec AWD lease cash is in my zip;
$7500 EV lease credit
$2300 Regional Captive Lease Offer
$6000 Dealer / Lease / Finance Cash
$8450 Captive Lease Offer

I assume dealer use $7500 & $6000 for discount from MSRP. then, I will get $10,750($2300+$8450). However all of signed deal here says $11,500. What’s wrong on my calculation??

Oh, I figured it out. $11500 is $7500 + $4000 Conquest?

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Thank you for this. I was able to get a similar deal in Marin County at $8,600. The taxes here are slightly higher and I didn’t wish to fight for that last dollar as I had quite a pleasant experience at the dealership. My work has free charging and this is my first EV. Hoping to save more on gasoline. I am keeping my old car (2009 Nissan Altima) whose value is probably less than $2,000 at this point just in case I need to drive more than the limited mileage on the lease. My commute is around 200 miles per week, so I am cutting it close with the 10,000 miles a year limit. Although additional miles are quite cheap at $0.20 per mile.

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Congratulation!I am so glad you got a great deal!The car is excellent, great sounds, comfortable, much more safe to drive, etc. Also, environmentally friend clear energy (supposed to be)!!!

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