About the Off-Ramp category

Discuss all things automotive, personal finance, and beyond!


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To the Admins of Leashakr forum

Good afternoon Admins,

I have the following questions about the forum and Off-Ramp category in particular:

  1. Is it Ok for the forum moderator to constantly insult the member and repeatedly say “You have no idea what you are talking about”, rather than engage in on-topic discussion and civilly disagree (without reacting to and attacking the person with whom one disagrees)?

  2. Does the regular member (such as myself) have to be a licensed dealer and an expert to share opinions in informal setting with other posters and topic creators?

  3. If a regular poster makes inadvertent mistake and posts something based on the knowledge they posses, does it give grounds for the rest of the LH members to attack that person personally and demand that he be banned from the forum for good?

  4. If answer to #1, #2 and #3 is AFFIRMATIVE, please advise so the note will be taken when posting in future. If the answer is NEGATIVE, please advise of the steps necessary to lodge a formal complaint for Admins to review actions that go against the Rules of this forum.

Thank you,


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I did raise these questions that were never answered by the Admins. I take it as tacit admission that answers to #1, #2 and #3 are AFFIRMATIVE. All the newbies and random posters should take this into account, as I will.


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off-Topic Landfill 6