A scam is unmasked

Man, you’re on point today. Are you a PI for a living?

Hi everyone, I’m the OP who did shameful things.
I’m so sorry about all these and please accept my apologies.
I believe I’ve learnt my lessons and would do never do similar things again!

I’ve already given up any profiting mind the second since several hours ago, edited the post and also deleted the CL post.

Here is a short list of things I did not do right:

  • I created a new account instead of using this account
  • I tried to hide the background stories
  • I tried to make profits, but @steve2 actually passed this car to me without asking anything.

There are many other things to put into bullets that I wish I had done right.

Again so sorry folks, I’ve polluted this forum’s spirit, pls let me know if anything I can do to make it right!

We already know all this. Are you going to transfer it to someone from LH without asking for anything in return?

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At least @daivd217 is admitting his mistake. I think you should put the relevant info back in the first post so you can transfer this lease to another LHer.

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Hi folks, I’ll make a new & clear post to describe everything right.
And for 100% sure, I’m not and will not ask for any profit! I’ve given up this mind several hours ago.
I’ll share the new link in a next comment


Let’s not blame Steve. Let’s also accept David’s apology instead of beating a dead horse. Time to move forward and get this car into a hackr’s hands.


So did he really get a Tesla? If so, are all Tesla drivers ass*** or is that just him lol?


Give me a break dude. He let his emotions get the better of him in a business transaction. Lots of people do that because most people in inherently want to help others. But these same people forget the world is full of bad people who take advantage of others’ generosity. Valuable lesson learned for everyone. Business is business, never forget that. Money and emotions don’t mix. Ever.

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Update: I’ve contacted all people who contacted me due to CL ads that, pointed them to this link and removed any additional profiting request.

So, you are so smart that you never got fucked by some asshole? Good for you, but give it time.



WOW! Thank you for posting the details. I am in the East Bay and have seen this ad as recent as this week (as I am still considering a lease assumption). I was going to contact him! I just went through a terrible ordeal with a Transferor who canceled the process after 21 days. I wish I had assumed this vehicle from someone as honorable and kind as @steve2. This type of deceit is why people are so skeptical of others presently.

It even had the same pictures in the new ad. Unbelievable.

I apologize for seeming to pile on to @daivd217 (as he has apologized), but I am glad, as an interested party, the precise disclosure details of this deal.

Hi folks! I’m the guilty OP.
Please again accept my deep apologies!
I’ve re-posted a detailed one so that this great car can pass to more forum members.
new post: [Lease Pending] 2016 BMW 528i $380 w/ tax!

Yeah I’m pretty smart :slight_smile:

It’s not about that though. It’s about - for the umpteenth time - not mixing emotions and money. Never a good idea. Doesn’t matter that it’s a “nice young couple in SF”. You sell to the highest bidder. Period.

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We are not even sure if that was his significant other. Could have hired the person by the hour :slight_smile:

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Sign up to learn more about leasing but got stuck in this thread instead :expressionless: lol


That’s true, sadly…

By the way, in David’s new post he no longer claims to be getting a Tesla Model 3 but now claims to have already gotten an SUV.

I can’t help but wonder if David is trying to unload the car for reasons he is not disclosing. Who knows if somehow he managed to get a loan against the title or was in an accident or otherwise did some damage to the car. After all, so much of what he posted previously has turned out to be complete lies that it makes me wonder if it’s safe to attempt to acquire a lease from this individual.


I just got a chill reading that…

In all seriousness @steve2 … I’m just happy that BMW is not one of those brands that still holds the original party responsible for any issues that might arise from the new leasee (?).