A lot of dealers are turned off talking about MF’s

Fair enough. Let’s just squash it

Sure. Just when people actually lease something they don’t keep saying “I negotiated” after signing, they say “I signed”. But who knows, you might be different

Ya, that’s just totally semantics. When I say negotiated, I mean the deal is done. Past tense. Conceptually, I think I’m actually lost somewhere in the tenses right now as I write this. But I know what I meant, when I wrote it, at some point, if that makes sense.

You should definetely post it in Share Deals. You have all numbers now also, so can post calculator link to help others. And post pics in Trophy Garage


Agree. Let’s see some pics.

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I negotiated a 2020 G Wagon done to $550 tax inclusive but I didn’t sign because I’m full of :poop:



This was not the point of my post…but

Everywhere you go, you’re just a breath of fresh air, brother. Sure I’m not the first person to tell you this, and sure your parents are proud.

Don’t forget to put the LH Bat logo on your resume. Will open doors.

Feel free to add me to your ignored/muted users please. Thanks

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If that’s what I decide to do, I will. But undecided. Again, not the point of this post. But I guess you’re going to look for something to keep this going. I tried

But seriously - you mentioned this “deal” at least 3 times in different topics but undecided whether to post it? Share details with the community. You just opened a new thread with 500 words first post teaching new users, after all.

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So did you follow your own advice? What research did you do before coming up with a target price?

Dealers don’t like informed buyers, because they don’t make any money off of them… unless there is massive volume. I’m usually the guy who helps folks in my family buy a car. It’s a pain, because dealers realize very quickly that I know what I’m talking about, I know what incentives I do I don’t qualify for, and I’m not going to back down on what I want.

Thankfully… we have leasehackr, and a number of of folks/dealers here who have committed to making the process for us to pretty straightforward. I won’t buy/lease a car by walking into a random dealer anymore, because it’s usually not a good experience if I don’t know who I’ll be working with.


You can go ahead nd pretend like I am the ahole in this situation. But I’m not. And my parents are dead, so f*ck off.



My prelim conclusion thus far: the guy just aimed for sub “1%”