A-Class Lease - How badly did I get hosed?

I can’t even imagine signing on a new car and a week later thinking about selling it and taking a 5k loss

It’s not like I’m excited about the prospect. We’ll see how it goes… I may end up just accepting it and living with the car.

Before you make any other impulsive decision to take $5k hit, find another car that meets your requirements and budget. You’d have to get another car for atleast $250-300/month lower and you can recoup the $5k in 16-20 months. Still better than paying $700 for 36 months… if you can afford the $5k hit right now.

Also don’t forget the $1500 you put down!

Don’t make another impulsive decision to get out of a previous one…


Great points, and definitely my mindset right now. I’m just exploring demand with lower incentives at the moment.

OP FWIW I can totally relate to wanting to get rid of the reminder. I once bought a car for cash in a near-blackout for way more than I should have paid (long story). For a while I kept it to INTENTIONALLY torture myself and remind myself what a shithead I am (turns out I’m just a regular ol’ alcoholic). Was such a great feeling to finally get rid of it when I got sober.

Like others have suggested, see what vroom or carvana will pay for the car and compare it to your lease buyout. You might only end up losing a few thousand that way if you’re lucky. Will be easier to do now than later when there are more miles on the car.

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Compared to the S Class post recently this seems reasonably unreasonable. Sorry, consider it tuition.


Reminds me of the $10,000 I didn’t invest in Amazon.com and instead had sitting in Wall Street analyst darling WorldCom

Live and learn. You got fooled once, you are here now and learning so don’t ever let that happen a second time.

There is a reason new Car Dealer owners are often the richest guys in towns across America

Don’t beat yourself up too bad. Enjoy the car and be ready the next go-around

You can’t say that about your $10k investment in worldcom verse amazon. Let’s go back to 1999-2000, remember the dot com collapse? Any and all dot coms were worthless garbage after that episode. And guess what stock was also in the group, amazon. Amazon was on the brink of bankruptcy and worthless back 18 years ago, no one remembers that because of the incredible returns it has had in the last decade since the federal reserve bailed out wallstreet. The only reason why amazon survived the dot com collapse was because just months prior to the collapse and recession amazon took out a large amount of funds and convertible bonds worth over $500million! No one wanted to touch amazon under $10 a share but today at over $2000 everyone wants in.
WorldCom is an entirely different story.

You can buy amazon now at $2000 a share but returns will not even come close to past years of it’s greatest returns. Those days are far behind it now.


I sold $5k of AAPL at $13. I have a history of poor decisions.


What year was this?

Apple was also on the brink of bankruptcy as well in the late 90s. I remember it being the most hated stock on wallstreet, again no one wanted to touch this stock. Of course today at $200 and a nearly a trillion dollars market cap everyone wants in. Microsoft actually helped apple survive by investing $150,000,000, without that investment apple would not have been around today. And without the iphone apple would have been just another computer company probably non existent today or bought out by the likes of dell or HP some years back.
Again you can only say this after the fact apple is now close to a trillion dollar company. Apple was worthless and had absolutely nothing going for it back in the late 90s so don’t be so regretful.

Pre-iPhone, I know that. 2006 or 2007 I believe.

Yep, agree was trying to make the original poster feel a little better :grinning:

One thing everyone forgets is that Amazon.com went from 100 to single digits after the crash.

AMZN spent all of 2001 between $5-14 share price since they were close to bankruptcy

Instead of you’ve just reminded me of my early ineptitude in the stock market, ha ha.

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i was late to the party and recently checked out the Accord Hybrid thread… looks like the guy sold it already and got into something else :rofl::rofl::rofl:


You don’t have an attorney in your family or a friend who can call them? They aren’t going to buckle without some pain. File locally and when they have to start paying attorney fees you can negotiate. Pissing in the wind otherwise.

This thing of ours only has a chance when dealers regularly jack folks like this. (Sorry OP, just speaking the truth)

I’m not terribly worried that it’ll end any time soon but if anyone wants a preview as to what would happen otherwise take a good look at Tesla.

On the flip side, had I just gotten a Model 3 instead at least I wouldn’t have gotten screwed. Or rather, at least I’d be getting screwed like everyone else.

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What are you referring to?

+1 to all of your post. The stock market is so emotional (as are many financially-related things). My attitude is, did you lose everything? No? Then get over it. Did you make more than you would’ve had you kept the $ in the bank? Yes. Then be happy. Shoulda coulda, woulda w/ the stock market is very easy, and it’s quite dangerous, to be honest.

We all want a unicorn deal, but, folks, let’s try to keep some perspective.

Anyway, back to cars…

No chance. Personal finance and running numbers is a lost art.