A Cautionary Tale About Shipping - Advice?

Not a statement about any of the individuals nor the situation at hand.

Verifying insurance is a useless metric in freight.

99% of freight companies are underinsured for the value of the cargo they haul.

Secondly, most have a policy that will not pay for a negligence-related damage claim, assuming it’s not a total loss.

Freight is not a simple space to operate in.


So anyone who ships is SOL?

The overall message of this thread needs to be emphasized: logistics is not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.


No, but services like Uship are the equivalent of the early uber days.

Very little verification and zero control over their carrier base.

I’ll write a longer message when I’m not on mobile


Unless they color match the Bronco :grinning:


I have no political narrative. Am I friends with Curtis, yes. I have worked with LC before and after Curtis worked there and however LC wants to run their business and personale is their choice and prerogative to do so. They obviously do a great job based on their reviews and repeat business. I can keep business and personal life separate. I would question any other broker/dealer or colleague in a similar situation when a client is left bearing the consequences.

Here is a story. I sold a Panamera and it was shipped 2000 miles away. It arrived with pretty significant damage ($5k) that was not there when we released it, the customer missed it on pick up since it was dark, and then the shipper denied they caused it. After some back and forth with both the customer and shipper, we paid for the repairs since it was better to have a happy customer than stick to our principle of we didn’t cause the damage. We promptly stopped doing business with the broker who contracted them and have used other companies since.


Any info is greatly appreciated

Don’t care. I can make up a sob story too. It’s also easy to pay for it when you charged your client up the *** for their Porsche :slight_smile:

So there are a plethora of challenges in freight that just aren’t discussed.

Right now is also a particularly challenging time because there’s a massive squeeze on the industry with the high cost of energy (diesel) and an ever slowing freight market (Q3-now).

A lot of carriers are simply running lean, or in the negative right now. This makes them more likely to cut corners and the players that are well insured are generally just not running right now.

The biggest challenge when it comes to auto hauling is that the costs are massive compared to general freight.

On the insurance side, most carriers will have the minimum coverage of a million in aggregate and some form of cargo coverage (usually around 100 to 150k).

The problem here is that if you’re hauling three cars and they’re all $60,000 apiece, your $100,000 coverage is worthless. Secondarily, most insurance companies will not pay for negligence if you damage a vehicle. If you hit a bridge and try to claim it, they’ll just deny it. The bridge didn’t shrink - You just didn’t measure. Most insurance companies will also look for a way not to pay a claim based on some fault of the carrier (going back to negligence).

There are some that will goodwill process a claim for the customer, but that’s becoming rarer and rarer.

Beyond that, there’s also an issue that the vast majority of new entrants in the freight world have come on in the last 2 years. The vast majority of these are non-CDL carriers that skirt every rule possible in order to operate cheaply.

These companies are almost always an auto decline for insurance claims as well.

I feel like I could write a thesis on this at this point but the simple answer is that freight, is not a simple market.

Hiring someone cheap or expensive does not guarantee a result. Trucking is still the wild west.


This thread is going to need some blessings real soon…


True story. The chargeback on my commission was not fun on that one and it was a used car before the market went crazy. His car is worth more at auction now than it was when I sold it retail. Also why are you taking this so personal Sadra? I don’t think your brother needs your protection.

Edit - All I wanted to hear is that we f’d up with this shipping broker and will be looking into other options. I don’t find the disclosure a valid excuse particularly with the language used.


Sunday is around the corner :grinning:


Give me my credit - New trend of saying "Blessings" or a derivative of that word to people making unreasonable posts - #43 by Benedetto



Protection? You’re using an unsuspecting user as a scapegoat for your own personal agendas because your friend was fired for being lazy. I stood on the sidelines for awhile but I’m not going to tolerate people pretending they are doing justice while operating in bad faith

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Again I have no personal agenda. I have worked with both parties. I just call it how I see it. With that said, I am done with this. I have said what I wanted to say.

But see my edit above from my previous post:

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If that’s your agenda, then be more forthright next time. Why are you being around the bush?

Uh, and I say this as someone who isn’t afraid of going off topic once in awhile, but can the folks talking about agendas and making it personal take it somewhere else?



@benedetto This advice is what I appreciate. Constructive guidance on how to improve an overall process and strengthen business practices. The interchange of information between users that benefits the community and its clients. I’d like to pick you brain if you don’t mind, later. I hope this thread started in this manner instead of what transpired


The caution that I’ve taken from this thread is

  • Offering shipping deals on Leasehackr is an extremely high-risk situation.
  • Customers take on shipping risk when they aren’t prepared for what happens if there is an accident.
  • In the current market where cars sell themselves, taking on the added risk for shipping deals is just not worth it, even for thousands in markup, because the car will just sell locally with less hassle.
  • Many LH customers tend to choose the cheapest possible shipping options, which leads to customers magnifying their risk. (i.e. you can choose enclosed transport)
  • A select few LH customers will make every attempt to publicly crucify everyone in the path of the transaction if any one piece of the transaction goes wrong, no matter whose fault it is.

This post raises a lot of good points and I’m convinced. Shipping deals and 4XE deals that can be flipped are not worth it for me to provide to this forum at this time. I keep toying with the idea of bringing them back, but then I read some horror story and public shaming that makes me think “why bother do this again?”
This kind of post is a huge reason why Brokers may be afraid to offer the Best Deals. I’m afraid to bring any new offering that has even a 1% chance of inciting a riot, 4XE and shipping notwithstanding.


Topic closed at the request of the Original Poster (OP).