535i M Sport Lease in Socal?

South Bay BMW has about 84 535i’s in stock. I’m looking for some feedback on where I should target a 36 Month/10,000 mile lease on a 535i M Sport. My broker mentioned BMW may still be offering the 7,500 mile/yr option.
My current 535i lease expires on the 13th of this month and I have an appointment with South Bay tomorrow.
Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

Are you willing to put MSDs down? And pay acq fee and drive offs? If so, I just leased a 78k 550i for $545 a month including tax, putting down about 4K in MSD and $2k in drive off fees. PM me, I did a LOOOOT of deal searching prior to getting my 550i, if your interested PM me.

@willwar14 I think your deal is a candidate for the best deal in 2016 on this forum :slight_smile:

Hi willwar and thanks for the quick reply! I can’t really spare $4k in MSDs (getting married in 2017) but perhaps $2k. Great work on your lease. A 550i would be nice. I don’t see an option to PM but please, if you’re able to forward any information to my inbox, that would be extremely helpful.

Good deals but 488 maserati and free Cruze are slightly better

Check post from @loberant

His latest lease post with the pic of a list of available cars, the math didn’t add up, the monthly was too high. I asked but got no response.

Not sure if luck counts, the $488 Maserati was pure luck (as in “not repeatable”) but there is a guy trying so we will see if he can negotiate for this

No offense but if you’re not willing to set aside (not even spend, just park) some MSDs to bring down your monthly payment, why would you want to spend roughly $18,000 over the next three years on a 535i?

There are some insane deals to be had now (look on the front page’s “Epic deals”), so save your money towards getting married, buying your first house together, etc etc.

free cuze deals…how could i miss that post???

“Setting aside” 4k doesn’t make any financial sense for me when that money will earn more interest over 3 years than I would save in a monthly lease.

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In most cases standard interest baring accounts be it CDs, laddered CDs etc will not have a return greater than the savings of buying down the MF. That is assuming you are comparing apples to apples risk free options.

Of all the ways to invest you you mention CDs? Please keep the subject on topic. I’m looking to see what people are paying for their 535 leases. Thank you.

I was referring to the benefit of MSDs. And the claims of better returns investing that money elsewhere. Just clarifying for the others. Best of luck!

Any luck at South Bay? My lease is up at the end of the month and Im looking at few cars in the same class.

Not sure your comment deserves a reply, but the objective here is to help, and other people will read this…
HobbesMo’s is proposing something extremely valid, and don’t dismiss it just because (I assume) you don’t understand it…

If you use 7 MSD’s on a 78k BMW you will easily save $50 or $60 per month…

So, I doubt you can invest your $4000 and get a better return than $600 or more per year in interest in a no risk investment. Otherwise please let us know how you do it, as this is a forum for people to help each other… THAT would be off-topic but surely nobody would mind…


It’s looking promising. Definitely less than I pay now. I’ll know by tomorrow or Tuesday unless my broker finds a great deal on a Ghibli S or ATS-V.

southbay would never gives me any discount from what it advertised , neither did pacific / shelly , i got my car last month from alexander, it was not pretty and their sales + gm are extremely rude, but i got it done, after 4 hours on a saturday , 500 after tax 0 drive off 0 mdf with 15k miles on a 71k 535m

Irvin BMW the internet sales manager was straight forward and got the job done for me…no games and made the process easy…pacific is semi straight too but no deals from pacific…they stick to their internet prices and the claim higher fees or prices justify their non game playing approach…most other dealers I spoke with wanted to play games and I wasnt gonna get trapped like that

Agreed, making $600 risk free annually on $4,000 would be great interest to people here. This is a community … some newbie signs up, contributes nothing and just expects the regular folks to answer ONLY the question asked – tone down the attitude

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