Newer to leasing. Interested in leasing this BMW 320i loaner. This seems like a great deal. 0 down, true zero drive off, 4500 miles on car. $339/month including taxes. See the details below. Good deal in the end? I feel it is but I don’t know much about the process.
Hey 28firefighter - I think I am using the calculator wrong. I am coming up with 19% discount? Inputting the MSRP into the appropriate field, I then entered the adjusted cap cost on line item 9. Zero drive off, adjusted for tax rate, a 23 license/reg (since it’s already registered) etc and came up with 19%. I think I am not understanding how to determine the actual sales price of the car. Sounds so lame, so I am sorry. But I am clueless at this stuff.
Your screenshot shows an MSRP of $37,700 with an initial capcost of $32,590. This appears to be the price before rebates. Is there something else I’m not seeing?
Looks like they’re using some of the rebates as cap reduction and the remainder to cover your driveoff and fees. That part is fine.
Then your discount from the dealer isn’t good enough in my opinion. The difference between the cap cost and the residual value should be small enough that the lease cash makes the difference between total cap cost after lease cash and the residual quite small if you want to get a really good deal.