$300/mo Leases Any 2018 Make

Is there a site or sites where I can see what type of cars I can lease for around $300/mo. 10K miles/yr x 36 mo.
That is what I can afford and I would like to be able to see what the best car I can get for this price.
In my research, I have been looking for the mfg incentives for various makes and I don’t see anything posted past A 1 month timeframe. Can I find out what incentives for all manufacturers will be available in June 2018 when my lease is up? Not sure if such information exists but since I’m new to this type of leasing research, I thought I would ask the experienced folks out there.
I’ve been looking at 2018 Subaru crosstreks but when I saw the article on this site that told how someone leased a 60K Mercedes for $289/mo. I felt like there may be deals like that out there for me, but much of his ability to get that price point was due to manufacturer incentives.
Thank you.

There is no way of knowing what the incentives will be like in June. That is like blindly playing darts after being spun in circles. I recommend reading through the forum to gain knowledge and to see what can be leased around $300 a month (a lot)

Manufacturers are on a Monthly Basis. They will factor in available inventory and how fast they are moving. So you won’t be able to know the future incentives; otherwise everyone would wait on future incentives to get the best deals on that one particular month.

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