'24 Discovery - leaving no stone unturned

We ordered a '24 Discovery for my wife at MSRP.

I realize I don’t have much of a negotiating position (and somebody will take my car in a heartbeat in NoVa if I bail), but want to make sure am leaving no stone unturned - dealer fees + Virginia tax (on top of residual and MF that have gotten worse over time) are no joke. Do I have a hand to play or am I stuck with the deal?

$63,903 selling price
$995 processing
$350 license/title
$349 NuVinAir
$895 acquistion
59% residual
.00391 MF

Thanks all!

You answered your own question. I would buy it vs leasing it. VA taxes is in the entire car so lease will be awful.

Like you said, someone will jump on it

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Thanks. And just got MF from Edmunds as .00291, so a nice little markup too.

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