I am located in CA (SF) and looking at demo iX M60 that is located in WA state.
The iX in question has 4k miles and is heavily discounted as a demo. I’m attaching the deal sheet they sent below. They landed on $1.8k/mo payment which is almost 3x what I calculated on our calculator:
Wouldn’t this be eligible for the full $9900 lease credit BMW is offering? The information in the leasehackr calculator would indicate that it does apply here. Dealer is saying it does not because it is a demo.
Residual value seems to be based off the sale price. Shouldn’t it be based on the original MSRP? Dealer says that BMW calculates based off the sale price.
Money Factor is WAY inflated. How do you suggest I push on this?
How do taxes and DMV fees get calculated when purchasing out of state? They said they used CA calculator but when I used the CA DMVs calculator the numbers are all wrong.
The Money Factor and Residual Value listed in your calculator does not match what this dealer is using. Did you ask them whether they are using BMWFS as the leasing bank?
Probably one of the worst lease offers I have seen in a long time.
WA leasehackr here, I reckon I know where this is coming from (the only BMW dealer outside metro Seattle).
In my 10 years here (under different market conditions) I failed to get (or help others get) a single vehicle from WA dealers that was worth posting on here. Very meager discounts and systematic inflation of MF is the norm in this state (BMW stores are all basically under two groups). I’ve always ended up trucking up cars up I-5 from CA, OR and as far as TX.
I would be very, very surprised if you can’t get a significantly better deal from CA, tons of dealers (and brokers on here) to choose from.