I need 24,000 miles per year on my next lease. Any suggestions on cars that lease well with so many miles? TIA
Do you have a business that write off the lease and any repairs if necessary? If not, it’s probably best to buy a cheap, reliable car like a Corolla or Civic.
Unfortunately no. Do people still buy cars?
There won’t be any good leases for that many miles. Plus, you’d be out of warranty.
I remember someone posted a website a while back that compares depreciation of cars and it showed that the Honda Fit is essentially the best car for driving a lot of miles
If you need that many miles, you may be a great candidate for that $1,095/mo pilot program MB is introducing Mercedes-Benz Starts Subscription Pilot From $1,095 a Month
Alternatively, just buy a cheap $10k Hyundai and get rid of it when you hit 100k miles
2 cars?..
The one or two year old Corolla for $12k is your best bet
Personally if you have the space this is def the way to go…get a couple of sweet hack deals on 12k/24 or 36 and swap out as desired for cars
Volvo offers 18k and 24k leases. I just learnt that today. Maybe u can look in to that but its isnt going to be a pretty payment i tell ya
Drive one until it miles out then turn it in and get the next one. Save on insurance that way. Do one pays.
Another idea along these lines is to drive it until you hit the cap on mileage and then transfer the lease for free (assuming you do a one-way)
Search the forum for Ford’s program …something like 25k miles per yr
Or just buy a cheap car. I see compacts like Hyundai Accents or Toyota Yaris advertised for cheap. Buy a $15-16k car and sell it at 96k mi for at least 3-4K. $12K over 4 years is $250/month in depreciation.
You will be out of warranty by year 2. Better off getting 2 cars.
If it were me, as mentioned above I would buy a Fit. Sell or Trade if off every 3 years at around 75k Miles. You would probably be at around $100-125 depreciation a month doing it this way. If leasing, probably 2 Buick encores at 12k Miles each, try and be around that $250-275 a month all in.
But then you’re paying double C&C insurance
Thanks Joe, what would the benefit of doing a one pay be? (Also, when you say one pay, I am assuming you mean a lump sum payment at the dealer?)
Cheaper, I think @BoardWalkNJ is saying that once the miles are up you just offer it up for someone to transfer it to them, thus that person would basically get a free car, they would just have to pay for the mileage. You’d post it on here or swapalease
Thanks BoardWalkNJ… Who would I transfer the lease to? And you said one-way, did you mean one-pay? If you meant one-way what does that mean? Thank you for your help.
I think he meant one pay. You would have to post it on this site or elsewhere and find a person that would qualify for the transfer, if would also have to be a lease that allows a transfer.