23 Nissan Rogue SV lease

Lease maturing on 22 Nissan Frontier so decided to check out Nissan Rogue SV.

Dealer in Nebraska quoting 418 per month tax included 1st payment due at signing. Was hoping to be +/- $300 range on a Rogue trying to duplicate deals on this site.

Do we think deal can be trimmed on dealer side?

Do you mean the cheap Rogue deals that were 18 months (super high RV but also super high MF)? I don’t think the structure is in place for those kinds of deals anymore.

But maybe @aronchi would know.

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Pretty sure ive seen 36/10 for $300 range posted. So many of these rogues on the lot, fugured theyd be more aggressive.

This segment is generally horrible for leasing. Pretty much nothing at the $300 level except a rental spec barebones Equinox

Honestly the best values in this segment are buying a Honda, Subaru or Toyota for their value retention or a Tucson/SantaFe for 0.9% APR.

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