2025 BMW X5 $77k MSRP lease help


No need to waste your time at the dealership if you have not agreed to their numbers. You can email them your proposal (what I had suggested in one of my earlier posts).


Post-covid, I don’t recall X5s leasing well. At the end of the day, @JonnyMIA has to decide whether leasing or financing meets their financial needs. If they plan to finance, they would have to take into account the tax on the full sale price, purchasing an extended warranty (if they plan to keep the car past the standard warranty), the cost of replacing tires, and also the unknown of what the resale value would look like. Got forbid they get into an accident, and that resale value is going to tank.

Would I lease an X5 for an effective $1k+ monthly payment? Probably not, but again I am not shopping for a BMW SUV.

Yeah, I can beat this by a decent amount in one phone call and have the car delivered right to your door. Feel free to reach out!

I will say, however, you’re not doing horribly for a Florida dealer! Solid work overall it seems.


Don’t forget the opportunity cost of capital tied up in the lease! The “equity” that is in a vehicle is a bad thing; since it represents cash contributed up front that is tied to a depreciating asset. In a perfect world someone who wanted to keep a BMW X5 for the long haul would initially enter into the transaction with a low lease MF, and then buy out the vehicle at the end of the lease on attractive terms.

The optionality to take the extra capital that would have gone into principal payments and invest it has tremendous value.

The optionality to realize the X5 is a minger / almost-lemon and turf it back for the residual value has tremendous value.

People who just buy to start with a big down payment and bulky loan are losing a lot of opportunity cost simply because they hate leasing.

Agreed, not sure why people tare taking a dump on the OP as if they’re super naive or failed miserably in negotiations.

The X5 isn’t going to be some fart car XC90 with fake-lawyer-discounts. The deal they go ton their own is pretty decent IMO. Of course, saving $50 a month is even better. But it’s not like the deal they negotiated is terribad.

Nobody can explain things to you at a dealership or on the way to a dealership …when you take the time to understand things you will save yourself a lot of money.

This entire conversation is moot unless you have the requisite discipline and patience.

Final deal offered
$2k cash down (includes first payment)
$1049 monthly including 7% sales tax
39 months - 7500 miles (plenty for my needs)
How did I do. Thanks to everyone for help!!

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Done, take it! Solid deal. Congrats, post pics when you take delivery!
(this is not sarcasm for the record, I’m serious, you did good)


You’re going to spend ~$42,000 to drive an X5 for 10-11k total miles, return it and obviously if you need a car you’ll do it all over again? Over two leases you’ll spend ~$85,000 to drive 22k total miles and have little to no equity? That’s your idea of the lowest payment possible?

Obv this is all moot since you’ve signed but something to think about over the next 39 months before you make another impulse decision

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Tell them to give you the same discount off MSRP and give you a quote for financing over 60 months with the current promotional rate.