2025 BMW i5 xDrive40 Sedan lease Zipcode:33458


Vin:WBY13HG04SCT07476 for FL-33458
looking for lease numbers 12000miles/yr for 36months with zero down

Dealer sent me below deal:

I feel the lease number is too high, i am looking for zero down.

That’s awful. We would absolutely massacre that number.

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What monthly payment should i target for the above lease.

Sent a DM.

Does anyone have lease numbers for this VIN that i can consider as baseline for negotiations.

It looks like you are getting only the rebates and no discount. In fact, it’s probably an over MSRP deal with the $999 add-on. I don’t think you will have much success at this dealer, I would just move on. You should be looking for 10% to 12% off before rebates and incentives. This is one of the worst I5 deal’s I’ve seen.


Would definitely move on from this car and this dealer.

Thanks for your input, can you please let me know a ball park number for the lease for the same vehicle with zero down.

Enter it in the LH calculator. It’s pretty straightforward

Please, please, please use a broker to get you this car. It’s going to save you a lot of time and money.

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what number should i put here:

Is taxed incentive = 9900$
and Untaxed incentive = 750$ family loyality

Also since i stay in Florida should i put tax rate as 7% which will automatically add into the lease?

Both taxed AFAIK.

Perhaps it hasn’t sunk in yet, but what everyone is trying to tell you in this thread is that this dealer having made such a poor offering in the first place should be an indicator to you that they are not interested in your business.

Also 100% wrong on the rebate amounts.

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