2024 Volvo XC90 Recharge T8 Core Bright - $625.23/month


I think I crushed this but would love confirmation…


The Car:

MSRP: $75,865
Hybrid - $7500
Loyal - $1000
Costco - $1000
Lease Bonus - $2000
Discount - $8537

Purchase price: $54,837.48
Includes: $999 (Lease protection upsell)
License++: $197
Doc Fee: $699
Acqui Fee: $995
Taxes: $646.16
Capitalized price: $58373.64

MSD: $6500 + First Month Payment

Monthly Payment: 625.23

Started back in Nov, went in and finalized today.

Feedback? I feel like i left about $50/month on the table but still feel good about the deal. The MF is high, but the discount was pretty solid so I didn’t keep pressing.

Opinions? What did I miss?


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Yeah you did leave about another 1200 or so

Target should be 575 a month


Dont Be Sad Late Night GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Enjoy your XC90 T8!

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I looked at your signed! But the cost doesnt make any sense for the price to be $600+/mo.

Can you explain this lease? The net cost and residual difference is only $4k +taxes, fees, protection, not getting to $600.

The MF on the Recharges is .004+ (this one ended up being .00415 I believe)

It’s a bit insane. 3110 in depreciation, 11k in interent rental charges.

money factor…

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If you did a down payment (not one pay) of 3k would that save you a ton?

Lol thanks. I am still not sure even at 10% how it’s racking up so much interest.

MF on the T8 is bonkers. Enjoy the car you did well as far as stacking rebates and discounts. I’d cancel the lease protection if possible.

10% of $55k ×2 is how much?

Ya I calculated it yesterday. Its just crazy.