2024 Q8 e-tron Premium Plus 24/10 $16500 One-pay

Hi everyone:

First off, big thank you to the LH community and all those that shared their deals (I learned a ton)!

MSRP: $84615 (no dealer addons)
Discount: 11%
Rebate: 14000
Terms: 24/10
MF: 00141 (One-pay reduction)
$899 Audicare
RV: 63%

I’m guessing the one-pay made it a decent deal. May have left some on the table but the process was super smooth and transparent. They made me aware of the $500 gift card (or wall charger choice) and got it for me, so maybe $16000 DAS effectively :slight_smile:

Thank you again everyone!

See note about adding in AC into Dealer Fees