2024 Polestar 2 lease in Ohio?

Hi friends!

New to the forum and to leasing - I have always purchased new or pre-owned, and the concepts of RV, MF, MSD, etc. are all new to me (I’ve read a bit about them and know what they mean, at least).

I’m interested in leasing a 2024 Polestar 2 and after running through a few configurations on their site, landed on what I think is the best deal for what I want, but I’m curious how much better the experts here think I might be able to do. I would love to hear any insights you can share about what I should consider asking about or negotiating when I visit my local dealer.

I have no idea what the RV or MF would be on this, and I guess MSD is one way I can improve the MF (while taking on some minor risk if the car is stolen or totaled)?

Thank you so much in advance for any insight or guidance you can offer!

Go through a broker, you’ll get a much better deal.

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Costco is running $2k offer for 27 months + $10k rebate so if you are a member, look into it.

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Check with Edmunds…

Polestar 2 Lease Deals, Incentives, Rebates, and Prices - Page 7 — Car Forums at Edmunds.com

They will provide the MF buy rate and residual factors as well as any rebates/incentives.

Also, check the Polestar website for special lease offers…

Current offers and incentives | Polestar US

EDIT: FYI- It appears that the special lease offer from Polestar is based on a .00036 MF buy rate and a residual factor of 66%. Also, the Offer does mention the Costco 2000 rebate as well as a 10,000 clean vehicle incentive as @PT_T indicated. I would research the sell price in your market area to arrive at a reasonable dealer discount. Rebates/incentives have nothing to do with the dealer discount unless there is a dealer participation contribution involved which I don’t believe there is.

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Playing around on Polestar website and 27 month lease seems to be the sweet spot.

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Okay, Jake, here’s what I have just for you because you’re from Ohio like me…

MSRP 64150.00
Sell Price 54530.00 (15% dealer discount)
Acq Fee 995.00
Gross Cap 55525.00
CCR- Rebate 7923.73
Adj. Cap 47601.27
RV 42339.00 (66% RV Factor)
MF .00036
Term 27mo./10K mi.
Monthly Payment 227.28
Polestar Clean Air Incentive 10000.00

Lease Inception Fees…

CCR 7923.72
CCR Tax @7.25% 574.47
Title/Reg/Tags 361.50
Doc Fee 250.00
Doc Fee Tax 18.13
EV Fee 200.00
Ohio Payment Tax 444.90
1st Payment 227.28
TOTAL 10000.00
Polestar Rebate 10000.00
DAS 0.00

Bottom line: DAS =0 followed by 26 monthly payments of 227.28 each.

The above is supported by the Polestar special lease offer and the data you provided. I used a 15% dealer discount. Don’t know if this is too aggressive or not. But seems reasonable given the nationwide demand for EV’s. Their depreciation time-line profiles are plummeting based on what I’ve been told. No need to pay anything at lease signing. Use the 10000 incentive to cover your lease inception fees including CCR.

I’m almost certain that the MF and RV is accurate. However, all data should be vetted. As a super supporter, you have access the LH Ratefndr.

??? Let me know.

Is this a scenario or actual deal? Id love to get on that one. I thought the only deductions for 27 mo/10k are $10k rebate + $3000 cap cost reduction bringing MSRP of $56.7k (including delivery and acquisition) to adjusted cap of $44,695.

That leaves $299 + TTL + Registration per month along with $3k down.

$3k down could be reduced to $1k using Costco incentive.

How are you getting <$250 per month for only 26 months with $0 down and $0 DAS?

I’m talking about 2024 Polestar 2 LR dual motor with only pilot option. Have the option to go do it either in TX or NJ. (Spouse). TX preferred but taxes on entire MSRP is a b*tch

This is actually what I might propose to a dealer (the sell price may need some adjustment). All the numbers can be used to craft a professional-looking proposal like the one below.

Not at all. Too many people allow themselves to be lead like a bunch of cattle… mooooo. You have to take control of the deal and create a target deal. Do your research especially the selling price. Vet the MF, residual, DMV fees, etc.

The 3000 down is not etched in stone. Just follow the logic in my post above.

It’s not 250, it’s 227.28. Just follow the logic.

payment = MF x (Adj. Cap + RV) + (Adj. Cap - RV) / Term
= 227.28

The 1st payment is included in the lease inception fees leaving 26 remaining payments of 227.28 each.

The only fly in the ointment that I can see would be the sell price. Not sure how reasonable a dealer discount of 15% is as I haven’t done the research. But it’s a good start.

NJ has no tax on ev’s. Clear choice

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Thank you. I thought Polestar is like Tesla, more d2c model vs. traditional ones limiting any dealer discount.

Goods to know it isn’t.

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Yeah, but the use is going to be largely in tx even though no issue registering nj. Anyone knows is dealers cover transportation fee if needed?

You can ask. A vast majority will say no

There is 2000 from Costco at present

The Polestar Space will arrange transport, but transport will be at your expense. Expect $2,000+ from NJ to Texas.

I just put a down payment on a 2024 DM Magnesium with pilot, plus and leather.
MSRP $64,150
27 mos lease
12K miles
$1500 DAS
Took advantage of Costco discount of $2000 (available until end of July)
Will also apply MSD which will lower even further

My 2021 Launch Edition is same build.
That lease was:
$1500 DAS
15K miles/yr
39 month lease

New Polestar 2 should be coming in early June :smiley:

BTW, I’m in NJ

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