2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Limited Lease

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Any help on a 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Limited New Jersey lease would be greatly appreciated.

MSRP 60,560

Edmunds gave me .00035 MF (could this be right) and 55% residual and $2,000 incentives. I am confused because I am seeing more incentives

2024 Northeast BC Non-APR Retail Bonus Cash - 1500
2024 Retail Bonus Cash - 4500
2024 National Jeep Celebration Event Retail Bonus Cash - 1500

I also qualify for their affiliate program and also a private offer which totals 2,500.

Thinking I should be getting this vehicle in the 40’s and a out the door lease of $630 no money down (based on the calculator and to me worst case lease scenario). There is a lot of these still on the lot at many dealerships. Realistically, how much better can be done? Id appreciate any insight. Thank you in advance.

Hi there. I would consider becoming a supporter, it is well worth the access to the calculator. You will be able to see the MF and all the incentives you are eligible for.


I just did. Thank you for the recommendation. I will check it out and see what I come up with.

This is equivalent to what a Pilot EXL or Palisade SEL?

Rate Findr has been great!

Is there a way to check “select inventory bonus cash”? Says it must have a sales code 4TR to be be eligible.

“Retail bonus cash” is a purchase incentive. You need to look up the lease incentives.

Once I saw the rate findr for the vehicle that became apparent. Thank you for your help.

I’m down to $600 a month for the 24 GC L Limited - 36/10k 0 down with first month’s payment. MSRP $62,360.

What do you think?

This only makes sense if you put any stock in this fictional MSRP and nonsense like the “1% rule”

Why do you think MSRPs keep going up so much? To take advantage of people who believe stuff like that.

To me this lease is preposterous considering its logical conclusion is that you finish the lease, return it and lease again (that’s 600x72=43,200 over two leases) with no equity… whereas a discounted Pilot, Palisade etc is $40k plus tax. They are more spacious, probably better equipped and hold their value a helluva lot better.

My $0.02


If you don’t need the “L”, the GC 4xe would lease for less.

Unfortunately I need the L. The deals on the 4xe are wild!