2024 IONIQ 6 SE TEXAS ONE PAY 7400$ signed

IONIQ 6 SE one pay 7400$ Texas
Please let me know if i got a good deal.

Do you have the deal sheet? Fill out the calculator and try to get the numbers to line up as best you can.

That’s like $616/mo, if you like the car and already signed then just be happy.

7400÷24 is not 616 LOL.

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No need to do all that.

Congrats. That is an amazing deal. Btw, do you recall what was the discount off MSRP?

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While I don’t follow the Ioniq market like some on here I do want to note that you’ve read 11 hours on LH. Any chance you want to maybe give a few more details like money factor, rv, MSRP, sales price, incentives or perhaps fill out a solid attempt at the calculator. Obviously not much you can do about TX taxing the full value.

After 11 hours of read time I’d think you would know to maybe give the community more info in order to give constructive feedback.

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10k dealer discount.

I can’t math, it’s a solid deal!

Where? Your sheet shows an at msrp sales price.

This looks like a great lease program but a poor deal based on your sheet.

Looking at the deal sheet, all I see is the $10k lease cash. Did the dealer apply any tax credits?

Taxes are blank, in Texas, you pay tax on the total price so if the dealer had tax credits that’s a huge deal. Also, 76% residual?

All i was looking was out of the door including all taxes etc 7399$ roughly 309 per month for 24 month. May not be a good deal for buying after 24 months.

We’re trying to figure out how they handled sales tax. Good deal!

Im in Texas too , sent you a DM

Interested as well and in TX. Did they have sales tax credits? Sending a DM.

Imagine how good this deal would be if it included any dealer discount

Interested. Sending dm