2024 Dodge Hornet rt plus $239/month $239 DAS (demo 1.9k miles)

Discount: $5950
Rebates: $12650 including $2k loyalty and a private offer
24/12 lease
9% pa tax included
239/month with just first month due at signing.

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Got almost the exact same deal, except I didn’t have loyalty. Just a head’s up to put it in sport mode when in snow. Love the color. How you like it so far?

It’s for the wife to replace her pink sahara 4xe. She really likes it. She’s European so I keep telling her that it’s really an Alpha. Why sport mode in the snow? Does it lock in AWD?

Well, you’re not lying. They did very little to differentiate them besides badging. Yes, sport uses all 4 wheels. Electric is rear wheels and gas is front. Sport uses all 4 simultaneously. Hybrid to a lesser extent. Had some fishtailing on fresh snow. Looked into winter tires, but there is only one for the 20" rims and they are $400 per tire. Cheaper to swap out for new 18" winter tires and rims, but I’m opting to just be careful and save the cash. Hoping for another light snow year here in Chicago :roll_eyes:

Good to know. We haven’t had much snow here in south central PA the past few years but we’re actually supposed to get a couple inches today, so maybe I’ll take it out for a spin!