2024 Dodge Hornet, Hyundai Tucson PHEV ETC

You need to establish a target deal for this vehicle based on well researched discount amounts and the lease programs as they apply to you. That will give you the most basic information you need to evaluate the quality of the dealer offer. A monthly payment and das absent a target deal for your situation to compare against is useless.

I have the paperwork, it’s good for 72hrs as long as someone else doesn’t take the vehicle. This is the 36mo/10k deal

This doesnt help if you dont have a baseline to compare against.

You should be shooting for a 8-10% discount off msrp. Less than 1k off? naw Ill pass

I agree but i did it for comparison ONLY and it can be easily replicated in many Long Island stealers. LOL

Okay, I appreciate the input, didn’t realize $3-$4k off MSRP. Thank you.

It’s all about the numbers. Happy to be proven wrong if the numbers prove the monthly savings over consecutive leases justify the loss of equity.

Thanks for everyone’s input. The wife’s comment pretty much said all I needed to hear, “You want to pay $630/mo. for a Tucson?” Looks like we’ll just ride out the lease and/or buy it as an interim vehicle while we look at buying a gently used nicer vehicle within the next year instead of trying to force something now. Guess I got caught up in all the dealer events and incentives thinking it’s now or never. Anyway, again, new member here, and appreciate the advice and perspective.

You might also consider working out what a good deal should be rather than making a decision based off of one dealer’s price of what they want you to pay.

If I had the time to invest in learning all the nuances of leasing and sourcing the necessary information to draw proper comparisons, I would. I’ll invest in a broker if I decide to lease since they have the expertise. My time is better spent elsewhere.