2024 Chevy Equinox EV 2LT $2743 one pay 24/10k

Didn’t need the car but couldn’t pass on upgrading the 23 Bolt LT. Randy and Tyler were solid to deal with. Had a little episode when the initial car turned purple in the sunlight but they found a replacement and didn’t show their frustration. Highly recommend. Anyone want a Bolt with 7.5k miles? Used Costco, educator, Bolt, conquest, GM card sign up, and $150 chevy points.

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Including the GM card sign up, what was the total dollar amount of the rebates on your deal?

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$6000 rebates

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Can you break down the rebates?
Costco 1000
Educator 500
Bolt ?
conquest ?
GM card 500

So Bolt and Conquest combined is 4k?

Bolt $3k
Conquest $1k

Thank you!

I’m not able to add it up correctly on the lease calculator, what’s your tax rate? Do you have a lease calculator link?

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so you have to own both a Bolt and something not GM 2010 up to qualify?

$2743 24/10, includes taxes/title/fee?

Yes, includes taxes/title/fees etc.



2 questions if you can help out trying to replicate

What was your msrp

What is your tax rate

Just make sure everybody is Clear

Bolt does not stack with conquest it stacks with lease conquest

You have to have a bolt and a lease in the home whether the lease is Bolt or a different car is not relevant

But regular conquest does not stack with Bolt

The program is Lease loyalty or conquest lease

Also making a note this gentleman did use some GM points as well towards rebates

Not a ton but about $184 worth

“Gentleman” :grinning:

Thanks Randy

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And for those who are trying to make sense of the contract

There are some trade secrets, but

I’ll give you a hint, pay attention to the amount of rebates that he was supposed to have and the non-cash credits line of the contract

The net cap cost on a lease cannot be below the residual. I have said this a dozen times and even I made that mistake once this month and the contract got returned.
That’s why every time I see that on posted contracts I tell people it will have to be rewritten

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Not sure why leasing companies can’t make their software smart in the 21st century. Even the software for one-pay leases is so complicated that no dealer wants to risk it.


Would an instant rebate from an electric company (for example EV Rebate) go toward the Cap Cost Reduction?
Dealership says he thinks it does and can not fund the deal since the Cap Cost after the rebates will end up being below the RV.
Is this true?

semi-serious question… if i purchased a bolt, would i immediately be eligible for bolt lease incentives?

any internet forum not focused on makeup or purses will assume everyone is a man :roll_eyes::rofl:

That would not be a cap cost reduction rebate in California
Don’t know about rules in other states
It would be considered cash at signing

But yes the net cap can not be below the residual