2024 BMW I5 M60 - $773/mo $1.5K + MSD DAS - 29mo remaining - MSRP $91,715

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Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2024 BMW I5 M60
Location: New Jersey

MSRP: $91,715
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $773

Current mileage: 2513
Maturity mileage: ~22,500
Effective miles per month: ~689
Months Remaining: 29

MSD due (if any): $5600 (refunded at least end)
Cash due (if any): $1500
Total cash required to start transfer: $7100

Financial institution: BMW FS
Transfer fee: $500, paid by buyer
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:


Black Sapphire Metallic
Black M Veganza Interior
M Sport Professional
Driver Assistance Professional Package
Interior Carbon Fiber Trim
Front Ventilated Seats


When you want to drive it, the 593hp and 605ft lbs of torque, combined with air suspension and rear wheel steering, makes this luxury sedan extremely responsive. When you prefer to let it drive, experience the best hands-free highway speed driving available. In excellent condition, has been ceramic coated and includes a transferable exterior protection warranty. EA promotion will not transfer. Additional miles can be purchased from BMW with the cost distributed across remaining payments. Will consider offers w/r/t cash due from serious buyers but MSD is non-negotiable. Buyout around $69K, below MMR, if you prefer to purchase.


Original Deal - LeaseHack Calculator
CARFAX Vehicle History Report for this 2024 BMW I5 M60
See more pictures here… 2024 BMW I5 M60 Lease Transfer (evhackr.com)



I like this car, very beautiful. GL


great deal

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I thought you were keeping this one!

Famous last words of nearly every LH


Lowered cash due.

Too bad it wasn’t white…

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Transfer pending.