2024 Blazer EV LT, $226 per month $605 DAS

Picked up a 2024 Blazer EV LT. Based in metro Atlanta area and picked it up from a dealer within 150 mile radius, yesterday.
MSRP - $50195
Discount - $5,000
Rebates - $2,000 (Costco and GMSupplier)
MF - 0.00167 and Residual is 82%
DAS - $604.80 (includes 1st month payment)
Monthly Payment - $225.67
24 months and 10k miles a year
Total lease cost - $5,795

Dealer will replicate deal and you can bring the cost down with additional rebates. DM me for dealer and the sales person who helped me.


I can’t seem to get this low with the calculator, even with no tax. Would you be so kind as to provide your calculator?

This is no tax, no dealer fee, and no gov fee.

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The calculator does not factor in GA TAVT accurately. The tax I paid is around $380. I will be paying the title/registration ($38) at my local DMV in a few days as this was out of state. I will get a refund if the tax I paid is too much or have to pay up extra if too less. But based on the similar quotes I got from the local dealers, the tax is within the ball park.
This particular dealer has no dealer fee that is so typical in GA and usually ranges between $600 to $900. Also, Chevrolet/GM waived the $695 acquisition fee.

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Sent you a DM. I too live in Atlanta area